Contact: Carla Howell, Executive Director
The Libertarian Party issued the following statement today:
Rand Paul
Betrays His Father’s Principles, Endorses Mitt Romney
Why Ron Paul
Supporters Need the Libertarian Party
When Dr. Rand Paul ran for U.S. Senate in Kentucky, many of his fund-raising
appeals were sent to the donors and supporters of his father, Congressman Ron
Paul. They were designed to convince Ron’s supporters that the apple doesn’t
fall far from the tree. That Rand was, like his legendary father, a steadfast
champion of liberty.
But no true libertarian, no true friend of liberty, and no true blue Tea
Partier could possibly even consider, much less actually endorse or approve of,
the Father of Obamacare, Big Government tax and spender, Republican Mitt
Especially the son of Ron Paul, who has no excuse.
Especially a medical doctor, who has even fewer excuses.
Earlier this year, Rand Paul showed his willingness to sell out his
supporters when he called higher federal government spending a “spending cut” –
Orwellian language used routinely by Big Government Democratic and Republican
Sorry, Senator Paul. An increase is an increase, whether it’s a big increase
or a really, really big increase in federal government spending.
Rand Paul had a list of excuses for his endorsement of Mitt Romney for
president. For example, he claims that Romney will support auditing the Federal
Reserve, oppose SOPA legislation which impairs Internet freedom, allow
construction of the Keystone Pipeline, and support the REINS Act which would
require Congress to vote on major new regulations.
But as Sherlock Holmes would note, it’s the dog that didn't bark that proves
Rand Paul made a devil’s deal with Big Government Mitt Romney.
It’s what Rand Paul did
not say that Mitt Romney will support that
tells us what we really need to know.
He did NOT say that Mitt Romney would cut federal spending.
He did NOT say that Mitt Romney would never raise taxes.
He did NOT say that Mitt Romney would end Obamacare.
He did NOT say that Mitt Romney would bring the troops home from Afghanistan
like Rand’s father has promised to do again and again.
Because a President Mitt Romney would NOT do those things.
Which is why Republican Mitt Romney is unfit to be president.
Vote Libertarian – the only political party that embraces the same core value
as Dr. Ron Paul: Liberty!