Hello everyone,
I am forwarding this message from the Libertarian Party of Kansas to you all.
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For Liberty,
Steven A. Rosile
From: Libertarian Party of Kansas <>
Subject: Help us prioritize
Date: Thursday, February 14, 2013, 12:34 PM
Subject: Help us prioritize
Date: Thursday, February 14, 2013, 12:34 PM
- Local group begins in Lawrence
- Second group starts in Wichita
- Help us Prioritize
- Freedom is not free
Nothing attracts like success. We have plenty of that here in Kansas.
Next Tuesday, a local LP group will begin meeting in Lawrence. While all new groups tend to be very fluid going into their first meeting, they expect to try to monitor the damage planned by local units of government and recruit liberty-minded candidates to represent more enlightened positions.
They even have a FaceBook page. You’re encouraged to visit it and ‘like’ it.
If you are in the area, plan to check this new group out: 5:30 on Tuesday, 2/19, at the Holcomb Park Rec Center; 2700 27th St.
We wish them well.
The longest established group in the state (perhaps the country) meets weekly in Wichita. Now, a second group will be getting underway. Of course, their focus will be different than the original group, but that’s the way it should be. We will share more information on this second group when we receive it.
Sometimes Libertarians get discouraged because more of our number don’t win many elections. We believe this way of thinking is completely backwards. We all know politics is expensive. Considering the budget for the LP, we’re amazed we have as much success as we do! This is a sign we resonate well with voters!
Our state party runs on an annual budget of less than $5,000. We have several score of dedicated volunteers who truly impact the political debate in Kansas. We ‘own’ the Second Amendment debate in the state. We are working to educate all Kansans about the importance of a fully informed jury. Protecting private property from eminent domain abuse continues to be a priority. We’re working on a visionary education bill that was well received in the last legislature and will be introduced again in this legislature. And we have a number of other initiatives that various volunteers have taken ownership of.
All of this is done with volunteers. We do not have a paid staff; we do not have a paid state Executive Director. We do not spend Millions on each election cycle. Neither of the other two major parties in the state can make these claims.
You, dear reader, know where this is going. If we want to do more; if we want to have a greater impact, we must pay for it.
Here are just a few of the opportunities the ExCom (remember, the decision-making body for our party) must juggle. Please reply to this email to tell us how you believe we should prioritize this list:
- Outreach booths, particularly at the State Fair in Hutchinson. This year, our booth space in Hutchinson will cost about $1,000 plus insurance which is required by the fair. Of course, volunteers will staff it and pay for their own hotels and meals.
- We have an attorney working with us on Second Amendment issues. Fortunately, he is working pro bono (for free). However, he needs us to pay for his actual out-of-pocket and other expenses such as filing fees, copies, gas, etc. At this point, we owe him several hundred dollars. We have filed against some communities but action in several others has been put on hold until we raise funds to pay for the filling expenses.
- An advertising and design professional has conceived a brilliant marketing strategy we call the “FOR” campaign. He is prepared to do all the hard work to get a series of brochures, signs, and posters ready to print. It will cost about $2,500 to launch this campaign. We would like to have these available to explain our party’s position on the many important issues facing the state.
- The internet can be a powerful marketing tool. In conjunction with the FOR campaign, we would also like to produce a series of videos to place on U-Tube. While estimated expenses for each of these is minimal, we cannot begin this until our “FOR” campaign is underway.
We don’t employ an army of solicitors to call our supporters in the middle of their dinner to ask for donations (perhaps we should). We are all interested in preserving Liberty. We believe Libertarians realize Liberty is not free. Some of us have already paid for it through military service. However, as you can see, the bill continues to come due.
Finally, don’t forget the LP State Convention in Emporia the weekend of April 20. More information is on the website We’re still working on keynote speakers. Registrations will be open for the convention, soon. We’ll have more on this as it develops. With all that’s going on across the state, we expect to have a near-record turn out at this year’s gathering. Be the first on your block ...
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