The Libertarian Party is the third largest and fastest growing political party in the U.S. The Libertarian party is dedicated to strictly limited government, a pure free market economy, private property rights, civil liberties, personal freedoms with personal responsibilities, and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace, and free trade. Libertarians of South Central Kansas (LSOCK) are an affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Kansas ( We meet every Tuesday night (except holidays) from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at Cathy's Westway Cafe located at 1215 W. Pawnee (just west of Seneca Street) in Wichita, Kansas. All who support personal responsibility and individual liberty are invited to attend!
LPKS/LSOCK P.O. Box 2456 Wichita, Kansas 67201

Sunday, September 1, 2013

State News

Libertarian Party Weekly Newsletter

  • Mixed reader feed-back
  • New initiative emerges in our State’s capital
  • Upcoming candidate debates in Kansas?
  • Professor Liberty on Human Rights

We love it when we hear back from our readers. Last week, we had two responses from readers and heard from one long-time friend.

Leslie Van Sickel said, “Paragraphs 2 and 3 belong in a letter to editor. There's some other good stuff too.” Thank you, Leslie. If any of our supporters find anything useful in these missives they would like to use to spread support for Liberty, we hope they will do so.

We also heard from Rachel who pointed out our inadequacies: “Professor Liberty's piece got cut off... Any way we can get the rest?” Oops! On checking, we discovered we did a lousy job checking our missive last week and the last paragraph of Professor Liberty’s piece got cut off. We apologize to all our supporters ... particularly to Professor Russell Fulmer who is kind enough to compose these. We have been in contact with our web master to have our missives put on the web page so everyone can find the archives and catch up. We’ll let you know if/when this gets done.

On a darker note, a good friend of ours from Manhattan who is very Libertarian in his beliefs, admitted he regularly quickly deletes our missives without reading them. When asked why, he expressed concern about “they” who watch what we receive in our email and correct our thinking when we stray from accepted norms. He doesn't want to get on any lists. We ponder: What happened to Freedom of Speech; and the Right of Free Assembly?

Keep those emails coming. For those concerned about scary scenarios, we came upon this invasion of an ex-marine’s home by “law enforcement”. They incorrectly suspected drugs. But, the marine was left dead all the same with 22 bullet holes in his body.

Regular readers will recall our Douglas County contingent made the news by promoting and getting a resolution on drone use enacted. Now we learn they have received national coverage for their efforts. Articles appeared in the Huffington Post, Washington Times, Lawrence Journal World, Kansas City Star, KSN-TV, and Channel 6 News in Lawrence. Not bad! Hopefully, this will catch on and more communities will put restrictions on unfettered drone use to watch citizens in their daily lives. 

And, what’s this? This week, Earl McIntosh who successfully spearheaded our Second Amendment initiative in KC and elsewhere, discovered an obscure Kansas Statute that permits citizens of any city in Kansas to submit petitions for local ordinances. And, he plans to do something about it.

Earl is in the process of pulling together a coalition of citizens to gather enough signatures to have about five proposed ordinances either adopted or placed on a ballot in Topeka. Most will deal with property tax issues. Earl’s objective is to bring profligate spending by many of our governing bodies under control.

This is uncharted territory. As far as we know, no community in Kansas has used initiative to redress grievances they may have with their governing body. We are excited that Libertarians will be the first in Kansas. This will be a big job. If you can help, contact us. Stay tuned!

Well, a couple of weeks ago, Tresa McAlhaney and her running mate, Grant Nelson, announced their bid for the Governor’s seat. Today Keen Umbehr an attorney from Alma announced his candidacy. What a deal! Will more candidates be announcing? Next up, Libertarian Candidate Debates across the state.

We still need help for the Olathe Old Settlers Days. We are also looking for someone interested in assisting with these weekly missives. If you are interested in either of these opportunities, please replay to this email.

Coming up: We expect to file an Open Carry lawsuit in Johnson County in the next few weeks. We are making plans for our 2014 State Convention. And, maybe, if we hear from you, we will tell all Libertarians in Kansas about what is happening in your area.

Is there any other political party in Kansas that actually accomplishes as much as the Libertarian Party? Thank you for your support of Liberty in Kansas.

Professor Liberty says:
Russell Fulmer, Ph.D.

Human Rights
Part One

Libertarians champion individual rights. While the founding fathers of our country outlined a version of rights in the Constitution and specified some in the Bill of Rights – including elaborations on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – there are more rights you and I possess by virtue of being human. Human rights are freedoms – and some would say responsibilities – garnered by virtue of existence as a human being. Here are five. 

Defense and protection – The 2nd amendment, proposed by who would become our nation’s 4th president, recognizes the right to self-defense. 

Property – Should any person debate you on the validity of this right, ask them how they would respond if an armed assailant broke into their home and stole a prized possession. 

Mobility – The right to travel, the right to not be enslaved by direct or indirect force, this is the right of mobility. 

Speech – Recognized by most people at least theoretically. Its pragmatic application is put to the test in this day and age by overly sensitive souls who would put their insecurities over your right to speak freely. 

Responsibility – “The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing.” – Quote attributed to Edmund Burke 

Next week, I will name five more. If you are asked to name five human rights, which would you elaborate upon and why? Individual rights are of great magnitude to libertarianism, for they are the nucleus of the party. 

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events....

Libertarians are the fastest growing party in Kansas. We seek to maintain our momentum by keeping everyone informed.

If you have an event scheduled, please let us know so we can help you get the word out.

We owe much of our success to local groups that meet to organize and promote the message of Liberty in their communities. We are working to establish at least one local group in each Kansas County. Does your county have a group yet?  If not, you should consider organizing one!  Contact the state chair at for more information or assistance organizing your county for Liberty.

A list of LPKS County Chairs can be found HERE (click on the "County Chairs" tab).

Other events can be found on the LPKS page on Facebook HERE

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