The deadline date for "Early
Bird" registration has been extended by two weeks, from May 1 to
Thursday, May 15.
because of a confluence of deadlines and other critical (but positive*) things happening at LPHQ, the Convention Management Committee
has decided to extend the deadline for discounted
convention pricing.
Although the CMC is a committee of volunteers, we are working with personnel at LPHQ, especially for processing registrations and for managing the convention website. Regretfully, there just has not been the time between us to get this info up on the site, including recently confirmed additional speakers.
Also, many states have just recently held their conventions, where delegates to the national convention are selected; and there are still a few more to take place. This gives them a little more time.
I know that many of you potential attendees have been waiting for more specifics in the schedule before purchasing a package. You will find more details in the coming days, especially who the meal speakers will be, as well as speech titles and descriptions. I really believe that this will be one of the best conventions in recent years. You won't want to miss it!
We've all been "up to our eyeballs," and you are the beneficiaries! It may take a few more days to post the most current updates, but please check out the 2014 convention site within the next two weeks for new info.
Please also note that the cutoff date for reserving a hotel room at the Hyatt Regency Columbus is June 5, but don't wait until then! After June 5, we must relinquish any rooms left in our block back to the hotel to be made available to the general public. The $119 rate will still be honored, but only if there are rooms available. If you have any questions or problems, please email me at
In Liberty,
Nancy Neale
Chair, 2014 Convention Management Committee
* One of these "positive" things is the closing of the purchase of an office space for the new LP headquarters, and the move from our current location must be completed by the end of May. This is exciting news, and will save the party a lot of money, but also cuts into the time of our hard-working staff.
for by the Libertarian National Committee
2600 Virginia Ave, N.W. Suite 200, Washington D.C. 20037
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Although the CMC is a committee of volunteers, we are working with personnel at LPHQ, especially for processing registrations and for managing the convention website. Regretfully, there just has not been the time between us to get this info up on the site, including recently confirmed additional speakers.
Also, many states have just recently held their conventions, where delegates to the national convention are selected; and there are still a few more to take place. This gives them a little more time.
I know that many of you potential attendees have been waiting for more specifics in the schedule before purchasing a package. You will find more details in the coming days, especially who the meal speakers will be, as well as speech titles and descriptions. I really believe that this will be one of the best conventions in recent years. You won't want to miss it!
We've all been "up to our eyeballs," and you are the beneficiaries! It may take a few more days to post the most current updates, but please check out the 2014 convention site within the next two weeks for new info.
Please also note that the cutoff date for reserving a hotel room at the Hyatt Regency Columbus is June 5, but don't wait until then! After June 5, we must relinquish any rooms left in our block back to the hotel to be made available to the general public. The $119 rate will still be honored, but only if there are rooms available. If you have any questions or problems, please email me at
In Liberty,
Nancy Neale
Chair, 2014 Convention Management Committee
* One of these "positive" things is the closing of the purchase of an office space for the new LP headquarters, and the move from our current location must be completed by the end of May. This is exciting news, and will save the party a lot of money, but also cuts into the time of our hard-working staff.
2600 Virginia Ave, N.W. Suite 200, Washington D.C. 20037
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
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