The Libertarian Party is the third largest and fastest growing political party in the U.S. The Libertarian party is dedicated to strictly limited government, a pure free market economy, private property rights, civil liberties, personal freedoms with personal responsibilities, and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace, and free trade. Libertarians of South Central Kansas (LSOCK) are an affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Kansas ( We meet every Tuesday night (except holidays) from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at Cathy's Westway Cafe located at 1215 W. Pawnee (just west of Seneca Street) in Wichita, Kansas. All who support personal responsibility and individual liberty are invited to attend!
LPKS/LSOCK P.O. Box 2456 Wichita, Kansas 67201
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
The FIRST AMENDMENT is under attack in Kansas!
SB 92 – AN ACT concerning crimes, punishment and criminal procedure; relating to sexually violent crimes; law enforcement reports on the presence of pornographic materials.
As so frequently is the case, this bit of legislation might sound like it would be good. ... Unless one is concerned with the details.
As passed by the Senate, this bill was only ‘bad’. Now that it is in the Kansas House, it has been amended so that it is now draconian. The worst part of is that its full effects will not be felt for several years.
According to SB 92 ‘pornographic materials’ are much more than what most commonly expect. In addition to more graphic depictions, it encompasses pictures of simple nudity, stories that describe sexual behavior or even nudity itself. This would, include such seditious material as Playboy Magazine, art books with illustrations of classic paintings and sculptures, classic literature like Moby Dick, Huckleberry Finn, and Catch-22 and many video games. Interestingly, if the Sistine Chapel were in Kansas, its ceiling would be considered pornographic by this bill’s definition.
Although SB 92 does not criminalize this material, if someone is arrested for a “Sexually violent crime” law enforcement would be required to keep and report to KBI the total number of sexually violent crimes reported and the number of such crimes where pornographic materials are seized or documented.
Although SB 92 merely requires the collection of information, it is not difficult to see where this is going.
Earlier in this session, Libertarians teamed with others to defeat a bill designed to cripple the ‘adult entertainment’ industry. Supporters of this legislation like to point to so-called ‘secondary effects’ of such establishments. These secondary effects, they claim, include increased crime, lower property values, increased drug activity, etc. which are supported by similar statistics they had previously required law enforcement to collect. Sure enough, law enforcement found drug use and other criminal activity in the area of adult entertainment. Using these new statistics, they have succeeded in having restrictive laws imposed against the “sex” industry. These restrictions have found support in the Supreme Court.
Reducing crime sounds laudable until you realize this becomes a cum hoc propter hoc (with this, because of this) argument. In other words, just because two events are correlated does not mean one caused the other. In the adult entertainment issue we faced earlier in this session, opponents of the proposed law did their homework and presented studies actually conducted under controlled conditions to make them scientifically valid. These studies demonstrably showed that adult entertainment establishments do not have substantially more criminal behavior (ie. secondary effects) than any other legal business. In other words, law enforcement found drug use and other criminal activity in other areas of their jurisdiction.
In this instance, someone has decided there must be a connection between pornography and violent sex crimes. They just need to gather the statistics to ‘prove’ it.
We suspect this is where SB 92 is headed. Once the data are collected, someone will introduce a bill, supported by the evidence SB 92 requires be collected, that says:
1) we have statistics that show 75% of those convicted of sexually violent crimes possessed pornographic material when arrested.
2) we want to reduce sexually violent crimes in Kansas
3) therefore, we will outlaw or otherwise control access to pornographic material.
Statistics suggest as many as 76% of the adult population have viewed some sort of porn. With the very low threshold required to be classified as porn, it is not difficult to believe they will be able to get a statistical correlation at least as high as 75%.
However, just because someone has an art book in their home, or even Playboy or something else, does not necessarily mean they will become violent. In this data-collection effort, there is no control group as required to make the data scientifically valid.
Since we are talking about a violent crime, it would probably be more relevant to correlate it to gun ownership, rather than Playboy, Huckleberry Finn or other so-called ‘porn’.
The Libertarian Party of Kansas believes this is the first phase of a serious attack on our First Amendment rights. It is extremely important you contact your state representative NOW and urge them to vote against SB 92. It is bad legislation; it will be bad for Kansas.
You are one of about 1,400 Kansans who now know about this threat. We can become one of the most influential lobbying groups in the state if (and ONLY if) you call your legislator. Bills progress extremely quickly now. So, you must act quickly.
When you communicate with your state representative, either by phone or email, be respectful. Express your concern that this bill will not further any legitimate law enforcement purpose. Since there is no control group, any statistics it collects will not be scientifically valid and will only serve to obfuscate any future discussion on the matter. Since a future assault on the first amendment is NOT in this bill, do not bring that point up; it will only confuse the discussion.
You may read the bill as amended in the House here.
You can find a related Topeka Capital-Journal article here.
SB 92 – AN ACT concerning crimes, punishment and criminal procedure; relating to sexually violent crimes; law enforcement reports on the presence of pornographic materials.
As so frequently is the case, this bit of legislation might sound like it would be good. ... Unless one is concerned with the details.
As passed by the Senate, this bill was only ‘bad’. Now that it is in the Kansas House, it has been amended so that it is now draconian. The worst part of is that its full effects will not be felt for several years.
According to SB 92 ‘pornographic materials’ are much more than what most commonly expect. In addition to more graphic depictions, it encompasses pictures of simple nudity, stories that describe sexual behavior or even nudity itself. This would, include such seditious material as Playboy Magazine, art books with illustrations of classic paintings and sculptures, classic literature like Moby Dick, Huckleberry Finn, and Catch-22 and many video games. Interestingly, if the Sistine Chapel were in Kansas, its ceiling would be considered pornographic by this bill’s definition.
Although SB 92 does not criminalize this material, if someone is arrested for a “Sexually violent crime” law enforcement would be required to keep and report to KBI the total number of sexually violent crimes reported and the number of such crimes where pornographic materials are seized or documented.
Although SB 92 merely requires the collection of information, it is not difficult to see where this is going.
Earlier in this session, Libertarians teamed with others to defeat a bill designed to cripple the ‘adult entertainment’ industry. Supporters of this legislation like to point to so-called ‘secondary effects’ of such establishments. These secondary effects, they claim, include increased crime, lower property values, increased drug activity, etc. which are supported by similar statistics they had previously required law enforcement to collect. Sure enough, law enforcement found drug use and other criminal activity in the area of adult entertainment. Using these new statistics, they have succeeded in having restrictive laws imposed against the “sex” industry. These restrictions have found support in the Supreme Court.
Reducing crime sounds laudable until you realize this becomes a cum hoc propter hoc (with this, because of this) argument. In other words, just because two events are correlated does not mean one caused the other. In the adult entertainment issue we faced earlier in this session, opponents of the proposed law did their homework and presented studies actually conducted under controlled conditions to make them scientifically valid. These studies demonstrably showed that adult entertainment establishments do not have substantially more criminal behavior (ie. secondary effects) than any other legal business. In other words, law enforcement found drug use and other criminal activity in other areas of their jurisdiction.
In this instance, someone has decided there must be a connection between pornography and violent sex crimes. They just need to gather the statistics to ‘prove’ it.
We suspect this is where SB 92 is headed. Once the data are collected, someone will introduce a bill, supported by the evidence SB 92 requires be collected, that says:
1) we have statistics that show 75% of those convicted of sexually violent crimes possessed pornographic material when arrested.
2) we want to reduce sexually violent crimes in Kansas
3) therefore, we will outlaw or otherwise control access to pornographic material.
Statistics suggest as many as 76% of the adult population have viewed some sort of porn. With the very low threshold required to be classified as porn, it is not difficult to believe they will be able to get a statistical correlation at least as high as 75%.
However, just because someone has an art book in their home, or even Playboy or something else, does not necessarily mean they will become violent. In this data-collection effort, there is no control group as required to make the data scientifically valid.
Since we are talking about a violent crime, it would probably be more relevant to correlate it to gun ownership, rather than Playboy, Huckleberry Finn or other so-called ‘porn’.
The Libertarian Party of Kansas believes this is the first phase of a serious attack on our First Amendment rights. It is extremely important you contact your state representative NOW and urge them to vote against SB 92. It is bad legislation; it will be bad for Kansas.
You are one of about 1,400 Kansans who now know about this threat. We can become one of the most influential lobbying groups in the state if (and ONLY if) you call your legislator. Bills progress extremely quickly now. So, you must act quickly.
When you communicate with your state representative, either by phone or email, be respectful. Express your concern that this bill will not further any legitimate law enforcement purpose. Since there is no control group, any statistics it collects will not be scientifically valid and will only serve to obfuscate any future discussion on the matter. Since a future assault on the first amendment is NOT in this bill, do not bring that point up; it will only confuse the discussion.
You may read the bill as amended in the House here.
You can find a related Topeka Capital-Journal article here.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
From Our Friend In Liberty, John Todd:
Wichita Area Chapter Meeting
Monday, April 8, 2013
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Spangles Restaurant (Meeting Room)
612 S. Broadway (Kellogg & Broadway Downtown)
Wichita, Kansas 67202
A presentation by Michael Pochek
Based on a book by Matthew Spalding, of The Heritage Foundation
Rediscovering Our Principles, Reclaiming Our Future
By returning to the timeless principles and practical wisdom that have been the source of America's monumental success. By knowing and believing in ten core principles that define us as a nation and inspire us as a people—liberty and equality, natural rights and the consent of the governed, private property and religious freedom, the rule of law and constitutionalism, all culminating in self-government at home and independence in the world.
Suggested Reading: Chapter 1
The book has a website with a great intro video and chapter 1:
The book has a website with a great intro video and chapter 1:
The Study Guide our group leader will follow is available:
The presentation will be followed by group discussion.
For additional information please contact:
John Todd, Wichita AFP volunteer coordinator
Susan Estes, AFP Field Director, Kansas
The Kansas Chapter of Americans for Prosperity (AFP-KS) is committed to advancing every Kansan's right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP-KS is an organization of grassroots citizen leaders who engage in spreading the message of fiscally responsible government, free market ideals and regulatory restraint to policymakers on the local and state levels.
Friday, March 22, 2013
All The News That's Fit To Print!
LSOCK NEWS: March 22, 2013
Libertarians Of South Central Kansas (LSOCK) meet for Supper and discussion every Tuesday at Mike's Steakhouse located at 2131 S. Broadway inWichita , Kansas at 5:30 PM. If we have official business to conduct or a featured guest speaker, that will begin at 6:00 PM. All who support personal responsibility and individual liberty are invited to attend.
Libertarians Of South Central Kansas (LSOCK) meet for Supper and discussion every Tuesday at Mike's Steakhouse located at 2131 S. Broadway in
To receive the LSOCK NEWS and LSOCK NEWS Alerts! via email please contact Steven Rosile at or 316 618-1339.
Contact the Kansas Libertarian Party or LSOCK at:
P.O. Box 2456
Wichita , Kansas 67201
Ph. (800) 335-1776
P.O. Box 2456
Ph. (800) 335-1776
On the Web please go to or to the LSOCK Blog at:
- From The Editor
2. LSOCK Officers Elected
3. Free Kansan and Weekly LPKS News
4. LPKS Annual Meeting/Convention on April 20
1. From The Editor
Hello everyone,
The Libertarian Party of Kansas is increasingly being seen and heard in Topeka and many other cities around the state. If you are following the weekly news that is coming from state party Chair Al Terwelp or go to
The party is growing in the Wichita area with the Sedgwick County Libertarians being formed just in the last couple of months. Jeremy White is heading up that group and they already have over a hundred “likes” on Facebook after only one meeting. Go to “Sedgwick County Libertarians” on your favorite connection to see details about their once a month Saturday meetings and other activities.
The state party too, is rapidly growing and preparing for that growth by modernizing and professionalizing our operations to better organize the increasing number of Libertarian activists that are joining us. And thankfully more and more young people are joining us and getting involved with the party so that the freedom we seek and nave long struggled for can be achieved.
There are now around a dozen county chair organizers listed on the website with contact information. If you live outside the Wichita area check to see if there is one in your county. If not, then think if you or someone you know would be effective as a county chair for your county and contact any LPKS Congressional District Coordinator or other LPKS officer and discuss how you can help get a group started in your county.
The state convention, or Annual Meeting, takes place in only one month. We have at least one candidate for most positions but we have no one yet for the Treasurer’s position. We need someone capable to step forward and take on the responsibility of this position.
There are more (and new) details below regarding the convention. I hope to see you there.
For Liberty ,
Steven A. Rosile
2. LSOCK Officers Elected
Elections for LSOCK officers were held March 12th at the Tuesday Supper Meeting.
LSOCK officers consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and 1st and 2nd At Large Executive Committee Members.
Elected for a one year term are:
Chair; Gordon Bakken
Vice Chair; Steven A. Rosile
Secretary, Stephanie Sommers
Treasurer, Shawn Smith
1st At-Large, Drew Holland
2nd At-Large, Jeremy White
Three of these are holding LSOCK office for the first time.
Stephanie Sommers is a Kansas native who left the state when younger but recently returned to the south central Kansas area from the state of Alaska . Stephanie works in a health care related industry.
Drew Holland, our new 1st At Large Officer, is a high school senior at Wichita North East High School and is the youngest ever member of LSOCK’s executive committee.
Jeremy White is the Chair of the Sedgwick County Libertarians. Jeremy and Lacey Price were the organizers of the Gary Johnson for President Sign Waves last year. Jeremy and this new group are welcome additions for grass roots activism and growing the LP in the Wichita area.
Thank you all for serving.
3 Free Kansan and Weekly LPKS News
The Free Kansan, official newsletter of the Libertarian Party of Kansas, has a new Editor! Sharon DuBois has taken over the as the Editor of the Free Kansan and will put out four issues a year. The first issue was January, 2013 and I sent it to all of you on the LSOCK NEWS mailing list so you should have received it. To subscribe to the Free Kansan so that each issue comes to you directly send your request to . You can also see the latest issue on the LPKS website at .
LPKS Database Manager Webb Garlinghouse has begun sending out weekly updates from LPKS Chair Al Terwelp on LPKS activities and events. I recently gave Webb the subscriber list of LSOCK NEWS so you will be now getting this LPKS NEWS directly from Webb.
Webb is setting up his database of Kansas Libertarians with each person’s state Senator and state Representative so that we can coordinate lobbying for or against bills in committee or on the floor of the Kansas Senate and House of Representatives. To subscribe contact Webb at If you wish to receive alerts on pending bills in the Kansas legislature please include the names of your State Senator and State Representative.
Thanks to Sharon and Webb and Al for their efforts to keep in contact with all LPKS members and keep them informed of what the LPKS is doing on their and how they can help our efforts..
- LPKS Annual Meeting/Convention on April 20
The 2013 LSKS Annual Meeting/Convention will be held on Saturday, April 20 at Emporia State University in the Memorial (Student) Union ’s Webb Hall #2. There will be a social gathering Friday night with details and location to be announced on the LPKS website. See before the Annual meeting if you are interested in attending the Friday evening social gathering
The Annual Meeting/Convention will begin in the morning at around 10:00 AM and go on until 3:30 PM. There will be a box-lunch available in the meeting room at 12:00 PM but you must register for the lunch on the website. There is no charge to attend the Annual Meeting/Convention and guests are welcome. However, you must be registered as affiliated with the Libertarian Party of Kansas to vote at the convention.
Business at the Annual Meeting in odd-numbered years includes election of LPKS Executive Committee Officers, Amending the LPKS Constitution and By Laws and any other business on the Agenda set by the LPKS Chair and Excom.
LPKS Executive Committee Offices are Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and four District Coordinators, one from each Congressional District. The District Coordinators must live in the particular district they are to represent and are elected by LPKS members from each particular district. Only those members from the 1st Congressional District can vote for that district’s Coordinator, while members from the 2nd Congressional District vote for that district’s Coordinator, etc.
The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer are elected by the whole of the attendees. The District Coordinators are elected only by party members that reside in each particular Congressional District. The current members of LPKS Excom are:
Chair: Al Terwelp (Overbrook) also a candidate
Vice Chair: Steven A. Rosile (Wichita ) also a candidate
Secretary: Mike Kerner (Lenexa ) also a candidate
Treasurer: Mike Dann (Baldwin City ) not running for reelection
1st District Coordinator: Barry Albin (Council Grove) also a candidate
2nd District Coordinator: Robert Garrard (Edgerton) also a candidate
3rd District Coordinator Jeff Caldwell (Overland Park ) also a candidate
4th District Coordinator is vacant David Loomis (Wichita ) is a candidate
There is currently no candidate for Treasurer.
Others that may be interested are welcome to join those seeking these offices.
Nominations for the above offices will be made at the Annual Meeting in Emporia If you are interested in serving as an officer of the Libertarian Party please contact the Candidate Committee Chair, Steven A. Rosile, by replying to this email or calling 316 618-1339.
Amending the LPKS Constitution and By Laws
This year we will be proposing and making Amendments to the LPKS Constitution and By Laws. All members of the Libertarian Party of Kansas can participate in this by attending the LPKS 2013 Annual Meeting/Convention in Emporia on April 20.
To see these documents on the LPKS website, you can go to
which takes you directly to the About page and click on the tab for Constitution or the tab for By Laws located under the heading Party Info – See Tabs Below. When you click on one of the tabs there (Statement Of Principle – Platform – Constitution – By Laws) the selected document appears below the tabs.
If you are already on the LPKS website then from any page click on the “The LPKS” tab. This is in the upper left corner under the just to the right of the “Home” tab and on the sub-menu select the “About” tab to get to this page.
Proposed amendments will be posted on the website in early April so that our members can make themselves familiar with the proposals and also see the recommendations of the Committee before the meeting.
There will be food available at the Annual Meeting but you must register and request it when this becomes available (soon) on the website.
Register on website for which meal you want. If this is not yet posted check back later.
Saturday, April 13, is the cut off date on registration for meals.
You will pay for your meal(s) at the Annual Meeting/Convention.
The menu options are:
Basic Box Lunch
Choice of
Turkey & Swiss or Wheat or White
Ham & American on Wheat or White
Veggie Delight on Wheat or White
A piece of fruit
Lays Potato Chips
Cookies (2 per)
Canned Soft Drink or Bottled Water
Deluxe Box Lunch
Grilled Chicken Breast on Focaccia Bread with Pesto Mayonnaise
Tropical Fruit Cup
Miss Vickie’s Kettle Chips
Cookies (2 per)
Canned Soft Drink or Bottled Water
Picnic Box Lunch
Two Pieces of Fried Chicken (cold)
Potato Salad or Cole Slaw
Buttermilk Biscuit and Honey
Cookies (2 per)
Canned Soft Drink or Bottled Water
Register on website for which meal you want. If this is not yet posted check back later.
Saturday, April 13, is the cut off date on registration for meals.
You will pay for your meal(s) at the Annual Meeting/Convention.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
- Strong responses from our survey
- What Libertarians are saying
- How to get involved near your home, and lots more
Response to the survey we announced last week has been strong. So far, over 100 Kansans have weighed in on the issues that the Libertarian Party of Kansas should concentrate on going forward. If you have not yet registered your opinion, you can do so here.
To yield the valuable information we hope to find, we need to have insights from as many Kansas Libertarians as possible. So, if you have not taken time to complete the survey, please plan to do so. Remember, it will probably take you about 15-20 minutes to complete. Here’s the link once again.
So, what is the survey telling us. It’s way too early to begin to analyze the data. However, before beginning this week’s missive, we glanced through some of the responses. We are truly impressed at the thoughtfulness of your responses. Thank You!
Three comments caught our eye: “THANK YOU FOR ASKING!” commented one.
Another observed, “Something has got to change. I am not sure how I can help, but I am willing to try.” Thank you. We’ll try to give you ample opportunity.
“Libertarianism is one of those best kept secrets that needs to gain a wide audience.” observed a third. We agree. With you’re help, we’re working to change that.
Just a quick scan of the responses shows many of our supporters want more information on how they can get involved locally to support Liberty. Specifically, people want more information on the county groups our State Chair, Al, initiated.
Once again, we hope you have taken the survey. If that link doesn't work, copy and past this into your web browser:
Here is complete information on each county group; when/where they met, who to contact, how to get involved. If your county is not listed, contact us, We will provide complete information and some names to help you get one started. It’s a bit of work, but the satisfaction that it brings can be immense.
Bourbon County is in the early stages of organization. For more information or to offer to help, contact:
Dickinson County is in the early stages of organization. For more information or to offer to help, contact:
Douglas County: The recently-formed Douglas County Libertarians meets monthly on the third Thursday at various rec centers. This month, it is hosting a Meet the Candidates event on Thursday, March 21. Details can be found on their Facebook page.
For more information on meeting place and time, contact Zachary Conrad,,.
Graham County is in the early stages of organization. For more information or to offer to help, contact:
Gray County is in the early stages of organization. For more information or to offer to help, contact:
Harvey County: Chris Ross,, has been contacting other freedom-lovers in the area. He expects to decide on a meeting time and place after the April elections. He would appreciate any help others are willing to give.
Johnson County: Nine new people, four of whom are entirely new to LPKS, attended the February meeting of the 3rd District Libertarians. The group is beginning work on candidate recruitment and partnering with other liberty-minded groups. They are also initiating a Liberty’s Night Out, an occasional gathering intended for socializing rather than activism. Watch their Facebook page for future gatherings. You can sign up or get more info here.
Leavenworth County is in the early stages of organization. For more information or to offer to help, contact:
Lyon County is in the early stages of organization. For more information or to offer to help, send us an email.
Osage County Libertarians are preparing to determine a time and place for their first meeting. Unfortunately, at our deadline, we don’t have any further information on this group. If interested, email us and we will pass your message on.
Rooks County is in the early stages of organization. They expect to work with Graham County initially. For more information, contact:
Saline County: Mike Trow, Libertarians in and around Salina meet the first Saturday of every month at Mokas South. Mike assures us he has “some vwery good people to work with” but we bet there is room for more. They have recently come up with a plan to advertise on the local radio station, KINA, during the morning and early afternoon hours. They also have members who are active with the fluoridation question in Salina.
Sedgewick County: Actually has two groups meeting now. While the two groups are very different, both are working to promote Liberty. Sedgewick County residents are invited to both to find their Libertarian home.
LSOCK (Libertarians of South Central Kansas) is perhaps the oldest continually meeting group in the country. To receive the LSOCK News and LSOCK NEWS Alerts! via email please contact Steven Rosile at On the web, please go to the LSOCK blog.
Sedgwick County Libertarians has a facebook page that holds all information for the group. Anyone interested in this group can leave a message there. They strive to return messages as soon as possible.
Seward County Libertarians plan to decide on a meeting time and place immediately after the April elections. For more information or to offer to assist, contact us.
Shawnee County meets on the last Thursday of the month at the Celtic Fox on 8th Street in downtown Topeka from 7-9. This is an active group that strives to promote increased Liberty in the State’s Capital city. For more information, email
Sherman County is in the early stages of organization. For information or to help, contact:
Wyandotte County Libertarians have several volunteers calling registered Ls in their area. They will be meeting jointly with the 3rd District Libertarians (Johnson County) in April. They plan to choose a meeting time and place for their first separate meeting in May. If interested, contact
First Congressional District: Barry Albin,, First District Coordinator, is meeting with Libertarians in Cimarron to create a new group in Gray County. The First District hopes to add County Chairs throughout the far western part of Kansas in the coming months. Contact Barry directly to offer help with this effort.
Now, some this-and-that:
Here is a quick update on our Open Carry effort. The life of HB2111 (Open Carry bill) has been a chaotic and frustrating one, but it has a huge impact on the success of our entire effort to rid the state of open carry bans in our cities and counties. This single project has brought more attention to the LPKS than any other effort we have ever done. Let's take another big step in finishing this.
HB2111 will now be given a hearing separate from all the other gun bills. Earl, KRA and Al will be giving testimony. The hearing date is Thursday the 21st. Ask your Representative to vote in favor of HB2111. If this passes it will had a direct and dramatically positive impact on our lawsuits and the others cities we are prepared to challenge. Right now everyone is pausing to see how this plays out.
Another supporter, Sharon, told us about this facebook page for Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access.
Remember to take the survey
Finally, don’t forget our State Convention the weekend of April 17.
- Important state-wide survey started
- Libertarians take a position on fluoridation
- Libertarians take a position on Federal Common Core Standards
Its been another busy week for Libertarians in Kansas. We are very interested in learning more about our rapidly increasing number of supporters. To help guide us, we have designed a survey to find out what Libertarians and our supporters across the state believe are the most important issues. More on that in a minute.
It is really quite amazing all the things such a small group of dedicated volunteers accomplish.
This week, the ExCom (recall, that is the LP’s Executive Committee) voted to support an initiative in the Kansas House that requires municipalities to inform their water consumers if they add fluoride to the water supply. This is in keeping with the basic Libertarian principle that consumers should be able to make their own fully informed decisions.
The ExCom also voted to support HB2289 to nullify Common Core Standards for K-12 schools being promoted by the Federal Government. The Libertarian Party has a problem with most Federal mandates; those involving education are particularly troubling. Nowhere in the Constitution is the Federal Government given any responsibility for education. Libertarians still believe the Constitution has some relevance and we wish our representatives at the national level were acquainted with that document.
Now we come to a rub. It is one thing to take a position on an issue; it is another thing entirely to make our position known to others. We seek someone willing to write periodic position papers so we can effectively communicate our stand to legislators and to the public. If any of our readers are interested in getting involved in this manner, please reply to this email with your interest.
Back to our new survey.
This has been carefully crafted to elicit valuable information from both long-time supporters as well as our new converts. We need to hear from EVERYONE. We would even like to hear from non-Libertarians.
Except for questions asking demographic information at the end (all of which are voluntary), none of the questions gather any particularly personal information. We just need to know where our supporters stand on various issues. We will use this information to guide policy decisions and formulate strategies to grow our party. We are at the opening gate of a two year race to become a major force in Kansas politics.
So, PLEASE take time to tell us what you think. Results of the survey will be tabulated and considered by the ExCom. They will also be reported in these pages. And, there will be a report at the State Convention in Emporia the weekend of April 20. We want to include your thoughts in all of these reports.
This is a comprehensive survey. You should expect it will require about 15-20 minutes of your time. If none of the links above work, you may copy and past this into your web browser:
That’s it for another week.
Don’t forget the State Convention the weekend of April 20. Thank you for your support. Be sure to weigh in on the survey . It really is important. ... Really.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Libertarian Lawsuit to Strike Restriction on Campaign Donations Moves Forward
Estate Contribution Limits Case Certified to D.C. Circuit
ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Setting the stage for a groundbreaking First Amendment test of campaign finance law, federal judge Robert L. Wilkins certified to the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, sitting en banc, the question of whether the government violates the right of free speech by limiting a decedent’s bequest to a political party.
The case, Libertarian National Committee (LNC) v. FEC, is brought by the Center for Competitive Politics (CCP) and the law firm of Gura & Possessky, PLLC.
In 2007, Tennessee resident Raymond Burrington passed away, leaving in his will $217,734 to the Libertarian Party. But because that amount exceeded the annual limit on contributions to national party committees, the LNC was forced to place funds in escrow, withdrawing each year only the amount permitted by the FEC. The LNC seeks the full amount of the bequest, as well as the ability to implement a planned giving program that would solicit bequests exceeding the annual contribution limit.
Judge Wilkins certified the following question to the Appeals Court: “Does imposing annual contribution limits against the bequest of Raymond Groves Burrington violate the First Amendment rights of the Libertarian National Committee?” Wilkins noted that LNC counsel made a “persuasive argument that the Burrington bequest does not implicate any valid anti-corruption concerns” that are necessary in order for a law to constitutionally limit a political contribution.
“For all the claims that donation limits are needed to get ‘bad money’ out of politics, Special Interests who profit from Big Government are permitted to roll those profits back into the campaign coffers of politicians – making a mockery of campaign regulations,” said Geoffrey Neale, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee. “We must restore the First Amendment rights of ordinary citizens who have no influence over politicians. That most certainly includes the deceased.”
Although the court certified only the specific question of Burrington’s estate, a victory before the appellate court could substantially broaden opportunities for political expression. “Americans are free to remember in their wills their favorite friends, relatives, educational and charitable institutions, and other causes. The First Amendment likewise guarantees people the right to remember their favorite political parties,” said attorney Alan Gura of Gura & Possessky, who brought the case in 2011.
CCP Legal Director Allen Dickerson argued the motion last month in a three-hour hearing before Judge Wilkins. Noted Dickerson, “where there is no reasonable possibility of any quid-pro-quo agreement between candidates and deceased contributors, there is no corruption interest justifying FEC regulation."
Help us preserve your First Amendment rights. Please either click and donate now or mail your donation to the address below.
Paid for by the Libertarian National Committee
2600 Virginia Ave, N.W. Suite 200, Washington D.C. 20037
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Courtesy Of Mayor Brewer!
Cronyism at the Movies
I recently had dinner with a new friend who wanted to talk about politics. She hadn’t heard of libertarianism before, and in the middle of my bumbling attempt to explain it, she interjected, “Oh, so you like capitalism.” While this was a good starting point for us to be speaking the same language, I found myself unable to agree without explaining the difference between capitalism and cronyism.I have no qualms with capitalism—a business creating valuable products and selling those products for a profit. Profit is a great motivator. Unfortunately, the motivation for profit can lead some business owners to engage in cronyism—that is, when a relationship with government yields increased on-paper returns for the business, but these returns come at the expense of consumers and taxpayers.
The way Crony Chronicles puts it,
To the extent that government remains in the business of handing out cash to its friends, lobbying the government for special favors is rational, even if it is harmful to taxpayers.
Examples of cronyism are pervasive, and some of them are just plain odd. Consider Mayor Carl Brewer of Wichita, Kansas. After insisting that the city help fund the construction of an IMAX theater, he set up shop inside the theater’s cafĂ©, selling his company’s BBQ sauce. The sauce comes with a sandwich order, whether you ask for it or not.When you reflect on the fact that the film industry is heavily subsidized, is watching a movie in a subsidized theater while eating a sandwich with the mayor’s BBQ sauce . . . Cronyception?
To learn more, visit our educational module on cronyism, or go read more tales of cronyism at Crony Chronicles.
Read more:
Kudos to Bob Weeks of Wichita Liberty for bringing this to our attention!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Dear fellow Libertarian,
31 Days Left Until April 15th: Income Tax Day.
April 15th represents far more than just the day that we pay our federal income taxes.
“April 15th” means “Taxes” to most Americans.
In the days leading up to April 15th, Americans are receptive and responsive to conversations about their taxes. They are listening.
It’s time for the Libertarian Party to launch and lead a real conversation about taxes in America.
What do voters hear from Democrats, Republicans, and their cheerleaders in the media?
Talk about tax increases. New taxes. Higher taxes. “Closing tax loopholes.”
They make excuses for more deficit spending, more government debt and printing money — gouging taxpayers with the invisible tax of inflation.
They pretend to be on the side of the taxpayer — while caving into tax increases.
Democrats and Republicans are the enemies of taxpayers.
Libertarians are taxpayers’ only true friends.
For 41 years, the Libertarian Party has consistently and persistently showed Americans why we can and must roll back Big Government — and dramatically cut taxes — now.
For 41 years, the Libertarian Party has shown voters and taxpayers the huge, immediate, direct benefits of making government much smaller — and returning every dollar saved to the taxpayers it was taken from.
For 41 years, the Libertarian Party has faithfully maintained our course toward small government and individual liberty — and ever-shrinking tax burdens.
Right now, in the days before April 15th, the Libertarian Party needs to engage Americans in a real conversation about high taxes and government overspending.
All taxes. Federal, state, and local. All together. The combined costs of all taxes. Each taxpayer’s total tax burden.
Do you want the Libertarian Party to make the powerful, persuasive case for huge tax cuts now, huge government spending cuts now, a balanced budget now?
Do you want the Libertarian Party to show why high government spending hurts working men and women, cripples job-creating small businesses, and makes us worse off?
Do you want the Libertarian Party to explain why Big Government is the disease — and voting Libertarian is the cure?
The time is now. In these dwindling days before April 15th. When America is receptive and responsive to the Libertarian Party’s principles and proposals.
Want us to push this message as far and as wide as possible during the upcoming high-pitched, maximum-frustration days of the tax season? When taxpayers have to file their taxes, write checks to the IRS, and get a good, close look at how much government is taking out of their hides?
Do you want the Libertarian Party — the only party that has remained faithful to taxpayers and made a priority of cutting taxes for its entire existence — to have a voice during this crucial time period?
Do you want us to educate and remind voters that we’ll never have lower taxes unless they vote Libertarian? Unless they reject the phony, fraudulent appeals of pretend-friends of tax cutters — and get behind Libertarian candidates instead?
Help us get the word out. Give the Libertarian Party the voice it deserves — and which we will use faithfully to serve taxpayers by leading the charge for dramatic, substantial, and immediate tax and government spending cuts.
We need to start now to get our message out during these vital 31 days remaining before April 15th. Will you help?
If you can donate $5,000 or $2,500, will you please do it now?
If you can give $1,500 or $1,000, or $850 or $500 to this uniquely Libertarian Party effort, will you please do it now?
If you can give $250 or $150, $85 or $50, you will make a huge difference. Will you please?
Click on the amount you want to donate — or click "Other" and specify the amount you can give.
Please either click and donate now or mail your donation to the address below. “Let’s talk about April 15th” in the memo.

Carla Howell, Executive Director
Libertarian Party
P.S. — Isn’t it time to Give Ulcers to the Big Government Tax Grabbers — and put smiles on the faces of the hard-working taxpayers in these days before April 15th?
Isn’t it time for the Libertarian Party to lead the discussion of high taxes, government overspending, and Big Government now? You can make it happen. Please make your most generous donation of $250 or $150 or $85 today. You’ll love the results.
Paid for by the Libertarian National Committee
2600 Virginia Ave, N.W. Suite 200, Washington D.C. 20037
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
31 Days Left Until April 15th: Income Tax Day.
April 15th represents far more than just the day that we pay our federal income taxes.
“April 15th” means “Taxes” to most Americans.
In the days leading up to April 15th, Americans are receptive and responsive to conversations about their taxes. They are listening.
It’s time for the Libertarian Party to launch and lead a real conversation about taxes in America.
What do voters hear from Democrats, Republicans, and their cheerleaders in the media?
Talk about tax increases. New taxes. Higher taxes. “Closing tax loopholes.”
They make excuses for more deficit spending, more government debt and printing money — gouging taxpayers with the invisible tax of inflation.
They pretend to be on the side of the taxpayer — while caving into tax increases.
Democrats and Republicans are the enemies of taxpayers.
Libertarians are taxpayers’ only true friends.
For 41 years, the Libertarian Party has consistently and persistently showed Americans why we can and must roll back Big Government — and dramatically cut taxes — now.
For 41 years, the Libertarian Party has shown voters and taxpayers the huge, immediate, direct benefits of making government much smaller — and returning every dollar saved to the taxpayers it was taken from.
For 41 years, the Libertarian Party has faithfully maintained our course toward small government and individual liberty — and ever-shrinking tax burdens.
Right now, in the days before April 15th, the Libertarian Party needs to engage Americans in a real conversation about high taxes and government overspending.
All taxes. Federal, state, and local. All together. The combined costs of all taxes. Each taxpayer’s total tax burden.
Do you want the Libertarian Party to make the powerful, persuasive case for huge tax cuts now, huge government spending cuts now, a balanced budget now?
Do you want the Libertarian Party to show why high government spending hurts working men and women, cripples job-creating small businesses, and makes us worse off?
Do you want the Libertarian Party to explain why Big Government is the disease — and voting Libertarian is the cure?
The time is now. In these dwindling days before April 15th. When America is receptive and responsive to the Libertarian Party’s principles and proposals.
- We need to do one or two or three short and effective YouTube videos — diagnosing the High Tax/Big Government problem — and offering a Libertarian Party solution.
- We need to offer Libertarian Party tax-cut memes through social media — in thought-provoking and hip ways — and try to make a few viral.
- We need to bring in a temporary media booker — to get our Libertarian Party Executive Director and National Chair invited on high-buzz, infectious gossip Talk Radio shows. To share our talking points and thinking points and “Aha!” insights with their listeners.
- We need the Libertarian Party to design and define this pre-April 15th Tax and Government Spending conversation.
Want us to push this message as far and as wide as possible during the upcoming high-pitched, maximum-frustration days of the tax season? When taxpayers have to file their taxes, write checks to the IRS, and get a good, close look at how much government is taking out of their hides?
Do you want the Libertarian Party — the only party that has remained faithful to taxpayers and made a priority of cutting taxes for its entire existence — to have a voice during this crucial time period?
Do you want us to educate and remind voters that we’ll never have lower taxes unless they vote Libertarian? Unless they reject the phony, fraudulent appeals of pretend-friends of tax cutters — and get behind Libertarian candidates instead?
Help us get the word out. Give the Libertarian Party the voice it deserves — and which we will use faithfully to serve taxpayers by leading the charge for dramatic, substantial, and immediate tax and government spending cuts.
We need to start now to get our message out during these vital 31 days remaining before April 15th. Will you help?
If you can donate $5,000 or $2,500, will you please do it now?
If you can give $1,500 or $1,000, or $850 or $500 to this uniquely Libertarian Party effort, will you please do it now?
If you can give $250 or $150, $85 or $50, you will make a huge difference. Will you please?
Click on the amount you want to donate — or click "Other" and specify the amount you can give.
Please either click and donate now or mail your donation to the address below. “Let’s talk about April 15th” in the memo.
Carla Howell, Executive Director
Libertarian Party
P.S. — Isn’t it time to Give Ulcers to the Big Government Tax Grabbers — and put smiles on the faces of the hard-working taxpayers in these days before April 15th?
Isn’t it time for the Libertarian Party to lead the discussion of high taxes, government overspending, and Big Government now? You can make it happen. Please make your most generous donation of $250 or $150 or $85 today. You’ll love the results.
2600 Virginia Ave, N.W. Suite 200, Washington D.C. 20037
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
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