- We win a few, we lose a few
- You, too, can be published
- Do you know about social media?
We received a report from what we normally consider a reliable source that a bill strictly regulating ‘Adult Entertainment’ passed the Kansas House. However, we have been unable to find confirmation on the Kansas House website.
While we aren’t particularly surprised by this news, we are very disappointed. For two reasons. More on this in a minute.
First: We received notice from the editor of Free Kansan she is planning to have the next issue out by the first week in April. If any of our readers have an article to submit; a letter to the editor; news of LP happenings; or just a question, or comment ... please submit them to FreeKansan@cox.net by March 18. This can be an easy way for you to get published.
Next: We learned recently that the National Libertarian Party now has a Social Media Coordinator. She is anxious to improve the LP’s impact in the social media sphere by recruiting a Social Media Ambassador in each state. This would be a good opportunity for anyone familiar with social media and interested in knowing more about the National LP organization. Those interested in applying for the position can email our state chair: chair@lpks.org.
Back to our setback in the Kansas House which bothers us for two reasons:
First, of course, we’re concerned that our elected representatives see fit to impose their moral values on every Kansas citizen. Proponents of this ban on our freedom claim such businesses breed a cesspool of crime including prostitution, drugs, etc. They did not feel compelled to introduce any scientific study supporting such claims; they just say ‘everyone knows’.
Opponents of the restrictive regulations went to the trouble of actually getting facts. They found most sheriffs and neighboring businesses could not support these claims. No problem. Our legislators have the hubris to claim they know what is best for the rest of us.
The other reason we are very disappointed is even more significant. The legislators we talked with about this set-back said they had not received any or many calls or emails from their constituents on this issue. If we, as Libertarians, really want to have an impact on what legislators do to us, we must exercise our constitutional right and responsibility to ‘petition’ those who represent us. That means we must contact them.
There is still a chance to stop this ill-conceived legislation in the Senate where it has not yet been heard. We will be watching the bill and will let everyone know when it is time to contact your state senator. If you have provided us with the names of your representatives, we will even provide their phone number and email address.
We don’t ask our supporters to contact their legislators often. When we do, it is important.
Finally, we remind everyone about our State Convention scheduled for April 20 in Emporia. Mark your calendar. More details when we get them. Make your plans.
There is much more to report. But, we have rambled long enough. We wish all our supporters the best for another week.
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