Dear fellow Libertarian,
31 Days Left Until April 15th: Income Tax Day.
April 15th represents far more than just the day that we pay our federal income taxes.
“April 15th” means “Taxes” to most Americans.
In the days leading up to April 15th, Americans are receptive and responsive to conversations about their taxes. They are listening.
It’s time for the Libertarian Party to launch and lead a real conversation about taxes in America.
What do voters hear from Democrats, Republicans, and their cheerleaders in the media?
Talk about tax increases. New taxes. Higher taxes. “Closing tax loopholes.”
They make excuses for more deficit spending, more government debt and printing money — gouging taxpayers with the invisible tax of inflation.
They pretend to be on the side of the taxpayer — while caving into tax increases.
Democrats and Republicans are the enemies of taxpayers.
Libertarians are taxpayers’ only true friends.
For 41 years, the Libertarian Party has consistently and persistently showed Americans why we can and must roll back Big Government — and dramatically cut taxes — now.
For 41 years, the Libertarian Party has shown voters and taxpayers the huge, immediate, direct benefits of making government much smaller — and returning every dollar saved to the taxpayers it was taken from.
For 41 years, the Libertarian Party has faithfully maintained our course toward small government and individual liberty — and ever-shrinking tax burdens.
Right now, in the days before April 15th, the Libertarian Party needs to engage Americans in a real conversation about high taxes and government overspending.
All taxes. Federal, state, and local. All together. The combined costs of all taxes. Each taxpayer’s total tax burden.
Do you want the Libertarian Party to make the powerful, persuasive case for huge tax cuts now, huge government spending cuts now, a balanced budget now?
Do you want the Libertarian Party to show why high government spending hurts working men and women, cripples job-creating small businesses, and makes us worse off?
Do you want the Libertarian Party to explain why Big Government is the disease — and voting Libertarian is the cure?
The time is now. In these dwindling days before April 15th. When America is receptive and responsive to the Libertarian Party’s principles and proposals.
Want us to push this message as far and as wide as possible during the upcoming high-pitched, maximum-frustration days of the tax season? When taxpayers have to file their taxes, write checks to the IRS, and get a good, close look at how much government is taking out of their hides?
Do you want the Libertarian Party — the only party that has remained faithful to taxpayers and made a priority of cutting taxes for its entire existence — to have a voice during this crucial time period?
Do you want us to educate and remind voters that we’ll never have lower taxes unless they vote Libertarian? Unless they reject the phony, fraudulent appeals of pretend-friends of tax cutters — and get behind Libertarian candidates instead?
Help us get the word out. Give the Libertarian Party the voice it deserves — and which we will use faithfully to serve taxpayers by leading the charge for dramatic, substantial, and immediate tax and government spending cuts.
We need to start now to get our message out during these vital 31 days remaining before April 15th. Will you help?
If you can donate $5,000 or $2,500, will you please do it now?
If you can give $1,500 or $1,000, or $850 or $500 to this uniquely Libertarian Party effort, will you please do it now?
If you can give $250 or $150, $85 or $50, you will make a huge difference. Will you please?
Click on the amount you want to donate — or click "Other" and specify the amount you can give.
Please either click and donate now or mail your donation to the address below. “Let’s talk about April 15th” in the memo.

Carla Howell, Executive Director
Libertarian Party
P.S. — Isn’t it time to Give Ulcers to the Big Government Tax Grabbers — and put smiles on the faces of the hard-working taxpayers in these days before April 15th?
Isn’t it time for the Libertarian Party to lead the discussion of high taxes, government overspending, and Big Government now? You can make it happen. Please make your most generous donation of $250 or $150 or $85 today. You’ll love the results.
Paid for by the Libertarian National Committee
2600 Virginia Ave, N.W. Suite 200, Washington D.C. 20037
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
31 Days Left Until April 15th: Income Tax Day.
April 15th represents far more than just the day that we pay our federal income taxes.
“April 15th” means “Taxes” to most Americans.
In the days leading up to April 15th, Americans are receptive and responsive to conversations about their taxes. They are listening.
It’s time for the Libertarian Party to launch and lead a real conversation about taxes in America.
What do voters hear from Democrats, Republicans, and their cheerleaders in the media?
Talk about tax increases. New taxes. Higher taxes. “Closing tax loopholes.”
They make excuses for more deficit spending, more government debt and printing money — gouging taxpayers with the invisible tax of inflation.
They pretend to be on the side of the taxpayer — while caving into tax increases.
Democrats and Republicans are the enemies of taxpayers.
Libertarians are taxpayers’ only true friends.
For 41 years, the Libertarian Party has consistently and persistently showed Americans why we can and must roll back Big Government — and dramatically cut taxes — now.
For 41 years, the Libertarian Party has shown voters and taxpayers the huge, immediate, direct benefits of making government much smaller — and returning every dollar saved to the taxpayers it was taken from.
For 41 years, the Libertarian Party has faithfully maintained our course toward small government and individual liberty — and ever-shrinking tax burdens.
Right now, in the days before April 15th, the Libertarian Party needs to engage Americans in a real conversation about high taxes and government overspending.
All taxes. Federal, state, and local. All together. The combined costs of all taxes. Each taxpayer’s total tax burden.
Do you want the Libertarian Party to make the powerful, persuasive case for huge tax cuts now, huge government spending cuts now, a balanced budget now?
Do you want the Libertarian Party to show why high government spending hurts working men and women, cripples job-creating small businesses, and makes us worse off?
Do you want the Libertarian Party to explain why Big Government is the disease — and voting Libertarian is the cure?
The time is now. In these dwindling days before April 15th. When America is receptive and responsive to the Libertarian Party’s principles and proposals.
- We need to do one or two or three short and effective YouTube videos — diagnosing the High Tax/Big Government problem — and offering a Libertarian Party solution.
- We need to offer Libertarian Party tax-cut memes through social media — in thought-provoking and hip ways — and try to make a few viral.
- We need to bring in a temporary media booker — to get our Libertarian Party Executive Director and National Chair invited on high-buzz, infectious gossip Talk Radio shows. To share our talking points and thinking points and “Aha!” insights with their listeners.
- We need the Libertarian Party to design and define this pre-April 15th Tax and Government Spending conversation.
Want us to push this message as far and as wide as possible during the upcoming high-pitched, maximum-frustration days of the tax season? When taxpayers have to file their taxes, write checks to the IRS, and get a good, close look at how much government is taking out of their hides?
Do you want the Libertarian Party — the only party that has remained faithful to taxpayers and made a priority of cutting taxes for its entire existence — to have a voice during this crucial time period?
Do you want us to educate and remind voters that we’ll never have lower taxes unless they vote Libertarian? Unless they reject the phony, fraudulent appeals of pretend-friends of tax cutters — and get behind Libertarian candidates instead?
Help us get the word out. Give the Libertarian Party the voice it deserves — and which we will use faithfully to serve taxpayers by leading the charge for dramatic, substantial, and immediate tax and government spending cuts.
We need to start now to get our message out during these vital 31 days remaining before April 15th. Will you help?
If you can donate $5,000 or $2,500, will you please do it now?
If you can give $1,500 or $1,000, or $850 or $500 to this uniquely Libertarian Party effort, will you please do it now?
If you can give $250 or $150, $85 or $50, you will make a huge difference. Will you please?
Click on the amount you want to donate — or click "Other" and specify the amount you can give.
Please either click and donate now or mail your donation to the address below. “Let’s talk about April 15th” in the memo.
Carla Howell, Executive Director
Libertarian Party
P.S. — Isn’t it time to Give Ulcers to the Big Government Tax Grabbers — and put smiles on the faces of the hard-working taxpayers in these days before April 15th?
Isn’t it time for the Libertarian Party to lead the discussion of high taxes, government overspending, and Big Government now? You can make it happen. Please make your most generous donation of $250 or $150 or $85 today. You’ll love the results.
2600 Virginia Ave, N.W. Suite 200, Washington D.C. 20037
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
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