Big Opportunity to DOUBLE your dollars for liberty
Dear Libertarian supporter,
I’ve got some great news for you!
We’re getting very close to having the funds we need to put a down payment on a new office building for the national LP headquarters — the David F. Nolan Memorial Building. Many thanks to everyone who has donated so far.
As soon as we move out of the Watergate office building and into a new building, we expect to save the party a whopping $5,000 every month — or $60,000 every year. That’s the immediate returns we’ll get by buying an office building over the rent we pay for leased office space today.
Plus, donating to the Building Fund will build equity in a permanent property for the Libertarian Party. A hallmark of liberty right here in D.C. — the belly of the beast.
We have $210,699 in the Building Fund right now, which is designated exclusively for purchasing and moving into a building.
We need another $39,301 to get us to the $250,000 mark. That’s how much we need to have on hand to make an offer on a property.
Here’s the GREAT NEWS.
Two members of the Libertarian National Committee — Secretary David Blau and At-Large Rep Michael Cloud — have generously offered $5,000 each in matching funds to anyone who donates now to the Building Fund.
Your donation will double in value — if you act now.
Properties move very fast in the D.C. area. The longer we wait, the higher prices go.
And the more chance we’ll miss out on the perfect property. The spring selling market has opened up, and we’re seeing some very desirable office spaces. But we must act fast.
Will you please donate now to the David F. Nolan Memorial Fund?
Depending on the level of your total donation (we’re keeping careful track of all donations to the Building Fund), you will be entitled to the following benefits:
For a gift of $25,000 or more you can sponsor one of just five Liberty Rooms at the David F. Nolan Memorial Building.
If you contribute $10,000 or more you will be recognized as a Nolan Building Founder by having your name (or the name of a loved one) inscribed on a beautiful plaque all its own that will be displayed permanently in the Nolan building. Limit twenty five.
For a donation of $5,000 or more you will be recognized as a Nolan Building Hero of Liberty by having your name (along with others) memorialized on the Nolan Building Hero of Liberty Plaque above the Benefactor plaque below. Limit fifty.
For a donation of $1,000 or more you will be recognized as a Nolan Building Benefactor of Liberty by having your name (along with others) inscribed on an elegant Nolan Building Benefactor of Liberty Plaque to be displayed forever in the Nolan building. Limit two hundred.
For a gift of $500 or more you will be recognized as a Nolan Building Defender of Liberty by having your name appear forever in the leather-bound Nolan Building Defender of Liberty Registry that will be placed in the foyer of the Nolan Building. (No limit.)
For a donation of $250 or more your name will be inscribed on a Nolan Building Friend of Liberty framed certificate you’ll be proud to hang in your home. (No limit.)
For a gift of $100 or more you will be recognized by name in LP News as a Nolan Building Advocate of Liberty for your donation to the building fund (unless you prefer not to) and your name will appear in a special section of the LP website dedicated to Nolan Building contributors (again, unless you prefer otherwise).
Contributors at the $250 and above levels will also receive invitations this year and next to private meetings with yours truly and with the Libertarian Party’s executive director, Carla Howell. You’ll able to discuss the party’s progress and strategy.
This year’s VIP event will be held in Las Vegas during the FreedomFest event on Friday, July 12. Donate now to be part of this exciting event.
Do you want a huge bang for your Libertarian Party donation? Matching Money gives it to you.
Your donation + the $10,000 Matching Money moves us closer to saving the LP $5,000 every month — and a permanent investment in liberty.
Will you please donate now?
Let our generous donors double your donation — with their matching money.
Will you donate $1,000? They’ll match it with $1,000.
Will you please put in $500 right now? They’ll match it with another $500.
Will you give $250 for LP ballot status? They’ll match it with $250 more.
Or you can donate $150 or $100 or $50. Every dollar will be matched.
Will you donate today by clicking here — and double your impact for liberty?
Thank you for helping. And thank you to our generous LNC members — Messieurs David Blau and Michael Cloud — for matching your donation.
Yours in liberty,

Geoffrey Neale
Chair, Libertarian National Committee
P.S. Please click here and place the text “Building Fund Matching Donation” in the Comment box at the bottom of the David F. Nolan Memorial Building Fund donation page.
Paid for by the Libertarian National Committee
2600 Virginia Ave, N.W. Suite 200, Washington D.C. 20037
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
Dear Libertarian supporter,
I’ve got some great news for you!
We’re getting very close to having the funds we need to put a down payment on a new office building for the national LP headquarters — the David F. Nolan Memorial Building. Many thanks to everyone who has donated so far.
As soon as we move out of the Watergate office building and into a new building, we expect to save the party a whopping $5,000 every month — or $60,000 every year. That’s the immediate returns we’ll get by buying an office building over the rent we pay for leased office space today.
Plus, donating to the Building Fund will build equity in a permanent property for the Libertarian Party. A hallmark of liberty right here in D.C. — the belly of the beast.
We have $210,699 in the Building Fund right now, which is designated exclusively for purchasing and moving into a building.
We need another $39,301 to get us to the $250,000 mark. That’s how much we need to have on hand to make an offer on a property.
Here’s the GREAT NEWS.
Two members of the Libertarian National Committee — Secretary David Blau and At-Large Rep Michael Cloud — have generously offered $5,000 each in matching funds to anyone who donates now to the Building Fund.
Your donation will double in value — if you act now.
Properties move very fast in the D.C. area. The longer we wait, the higher prices go.
And the more chance we’ll miss out on the perfect property. The spring selling market has opened up, and we’re seeing some very desirable office spaces. But we must act fast.
Will you please donate now to the David F. Nolan Memorial Fund?
Depending on the level of your total donation (we’re keeping careful track of all donations to the Building Fund), you will be entitled to the following benefits:
For a gift of $25,000 or more you can sponsor one of just five Liberty Rooms at the David F. Nolan Memorial Building.
If you contribute $10,000 or more you will be recognized as a Nolan Building Founder by having your name (or the name of a loved one) inscribed on a beautiful plaque all its own that will be displayed permanently in the Nolan building. Limit twenty five.
For a donation of $5,000 or more you will be recognized as a Nolan Building Hero of Liberty by having your name (along with others) memorialized on the Nolan Building Hero of Liberty Plaque above the Benefactor plaque below. Limit fifty.
For a donation of $1,000 or more you will be recognized as a Nolan Building Benefactor of Liberty by having your name (along with others) inscribed on an elegant Nolan Building Benefactor of Liberty Plaque to be displayed forever in the Nolan building. Limit two hundred.
For a gift of $500 or more you will be recognized as a Nolan Building Defender of Liberty by having your name appear forever in the leather-bound Nolan Building Defender of Liberty Registry that will be placed in the foyer of the Nolan Building. (No limit.)
For a donation of $250 or more your name will be inscribed on a Nolan Building Friend of Liberty framed certificate you’ll be proud to hang in your home. (No limit.)
For a gift of $100 or more you will be recognized by name in LP News as a Nolan Building Advocate of Liberty for your donation to the building fund (unless you prefer not to) and your name will appear in a special section of the LP website dedicated to Nolan Building contributors (again, unless you prefer otherwise).
Contributors at the $250 and above levels will also receive invitations this year and next to private meetings with yours truly and with the Libertarian Party’s executive director, Carla Howell. You’ll able to discuss the party’s progress and strategy.
This year’s VIP event will be held in Las Vegas during the FreedomFest event on Friday, July 12. Donate now to be part of this exciting event.
Do you want a huge bang for your Libertarian Party donation? Matching Money gives it to you.
Your donation + the $10,000 Matching Money moves us closer to saving the LP $5,000 every month — and a permanent investment in liberty.
Will you please donate now?
Let our generous donors double your donation — with their matching money.
Will you donate $1,000? They’ll match it with $1,000.
Will you please put in $500 right now? They’ll match it with another $500.
Will you give $250 for LP ballot status? They’ll match it with $250 more.
Or you can donate $150 or $100 or $50. Every dollar will be matched.
Will you donate today by clicking here — and double your impact for liberty?
Thank you for helping. And thank you to our generous LNC members — Messieurs David Blau and Michael Cloud — for matching your donation.
Yours in liberty,
Geoffrey Neale
Chair, Libertarian National Committee
P.S. Please click here and place the text “Building Fund Matching Donation” in the Comment box at the bottom of the David F. Nolan Memorial Building Fund donation page.
2600 Virginia Ave, N.W. Suite 200, Washington D.C. 20037
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.