The Libertarian Party is the third largest and fastest growing political party in the U.S. The Libertarian party is dedicated to strictly limited government, a pure free market economy, private property rights, civil liberties, personal freedoms with personal responsibilities, and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace, and free trade. Libertarians of South Central Kansas (LSOCK) are an affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Kansas ( We meet every Tuesday night (except holidays) from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at Cathy's Westway Cafe located at 1215 W. Pawnee (just west of Seneca Street) in Wichita, Kansas. All who support personal responsibility and individual liberty are invited to attend!
LPKS/LSOCK P.O. Box 2456 Wichita, Kansas 67201

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Libertarian Party Weekly Newsletter

  • LP makes big news splash in KC
  • First District update
  • Significant opportunities to get involved
  • A word from Professor Liberty
Just when we thought things might begin to slow down ... they didn’t.
Our Second Amendment task force has turned up the heat in the Kansas City area.

Regular readers will recall Kansas State Law provides for open carry anywhere in the state. This is an absolute right which can not be restricted by local governing bodies. Evidently, the governing bodies in Prairie Village, Leawood, and Lenexa are having difficulty understanding this law. They have all passed ordinances prohibiting the right to openly carry a loaded firearm.

The Libertarian Party believes this kind of arbitrary exercise of power, counter to both the US Constitution and State Law is wrong and we have been working with various communities to encourage them to bring their local ordinances in line with state law. In some instances, we have been successful. In some, we have not ... yet.

So! Let’s have a picnic! Better. Let’s have three picnics! To be clear, all will be open carry picnics. Openly pack heat.

Those who live in the KC area, no doubt, have seen news coverage related to these upcoming events. For others, click here to see what the Prairie Village paper. It even got coverage on KMBC Chanel 9 news. 

We want Johnson County folks to like our FaceBook page and participate. When it comes to the picnics, we want a wide range of folks to be there, especially women, folks with physical challenges, minorities etc ...

Looks like its shaping up to be an interesting summer for gun rights advocates. Look for an Open Carry Picnic in a park near you: Lenexa, Leawood and Prairie Village.

District 1 Happenings:
We learned recently from Mike Wilson, First District Deputy Coordinator that the Libertarians of Saline County meet the first Saturday of each month, under the guidance of chairman Mike Trow. They usually have an attendance of 8 to10 enthusiastic persons. More, of course, are welcome.

The meetings are advertised on local AM radio station KINA 910 and there is a Facebook page at Libertarian Party of Saline County. In addition, a monthly 30 minute show is cablecast on the local community access station.

For more information, email:

You can get involved:
Two great opportunities have surfaced recently for people to get involved with our rapidly growing party. 

A few days ago, we learned that Andrew Gray, who was elected to the Topeka City Council, was forced to resign from his seat for health reasons. Our prayers are with Andrew. The Topeka City Council will find a replacement for Andrew. We would like to play a part in this. If you or anyone you know is interested and qualified to serve the remainder of Andrew’s term, please let us know by replying to this email.

Also, we are looking for a new editor of these weekly missives. Our current editor serves in several other capacities and needs to dial it back a bit. If you believe this is a fit with your particular talents, please let us know.

Remember, LPKS is a volunteer run organization. We have no paid staff. All funds we raise are used to further the cause of Liberty in Kansas. We appreciate all the time our volunteers give. If you are unable to volunteer, your contributions will help our efforts. 

Professor Liberty says:
Many people wonder about our positions on various topics. Why, they may wonder, do we make such a big deal about ‘Open Carry’? Even in jurisdictions where it is not restricted, how often do we see someone with an openly visible weapon?

For Libertarians, that is not the point. In fact, many Libertarians do not even own a weapon. For Libertarians, it isn’t about actually owning or carrying a weapon. Rather, the issue revolves around the proper roll for government to play. When it comes to self defense, what right does the government have to limit our ability to protect ourselves or our families. 

To be trite, when seconds count, it does little good to dial 9-1-1.

Libertarians believe in Liberty, Individual Freedom, and Personal Responsibility.

Upcoming Events


Common Core Standards
If you are concerned about adoption of Common Core Standards for our public schools, you must contact your State Representative immediately. We expect they will vote on this issue SOON. LPKS has taken a position opposed to these as an unwarranted intrusion by the State into the local school districts. For more information, click here.
May 21

9-10 pm
Hang Out with Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico and Libertarian candidate for President in 2012. More information is available on FaceBook.
May 30

7-9 pm
LNEK's meet at Celtic Fox in downtown Topeka.
Upcoming Events....
Libertarians are the fastest growing party in Kansas. We seek to maintain our momentum by keeping everyone informed.

If you have an event scheduled, please let us know so we can help you get the word out.

We owe much of our success to local groups that meet to organize and promote the message of Liberty in their communities. We are working to establish at least one local group in each Kansas County. Does your county have a group yet?  If not, should consider organizing one!  Contact the state chair at for more information or assistance organizing your county for Liberty.

A list of LPKS County Chairs can be found HERE (click on the "County Chairs" tab).

Other events can be found on the LPKS page on Facebook HERE

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