Table of Contents:
Hardy Macia, Libertarian activist and candidate, releases viral video calling for legal home growing of medical marijuana
The video is a heartbreaking personal message from Macia, who was diagnosed last August with Hodgkin's lymphoma and says he probably only has weeks left to live. Medical marijuana is one of the few things that make the life he has left bearable.
"To get to sleep at night, sometimes it's the only thing that helps put me out, versus some of the harsh drugs that they give me, like the oxycodone or vicodin," Macia said in the video.
Read the rest and watch the video at LP.org!
Libertarian Party statement on Boston Marathon bombing, Syria, foreign intervention
The Libertarian Party extends heartfelt sympathies to the surviving families of the victims and all who were harmed by the senseless and violent bombing in Boston on April 15 and its aftermath. We applaud the efforts of Boston-area residents and law enforcement officials who helped to remove the immediate threat of additional harm from the alleged perpetrators.
While we are relieved that the Justice Department has assured that the surviving bombing suspect will receive a civilian trial, we are troubled that, according to news reports, he was not read his Miranda rights prior to questioning. Regardless of the severity of the crime, upholding individual rights is paramount. We call for ensuring that all criminal suspects, including alleged terrorists, are Mirandized and offered the right to an attorney before questioning. We also call for ensuring that all such interrogations be, without exception, properly monitored and videotaped.
We are further troubled by reports of martial law tactics, including the alleged orders issued by Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick for residents to stay inside their homes and for stores to stay closed. Visiting homes to inquire of suspect sightings or politely requesting that residents stay off the streets — without any threat of force — is a reasonable measure for authorities to take during an emergency. However, threatening force in any way is a breach of our constitutional rights and is unacceptable. Going forward, we call for laws that impose criminal penalties on any government official who oversteps his or her authority or who in any way diminishes our constitutional protections.
While we strenuously condemn acts of violence against innocent men, women, and children as occurred on April 15, we also condemn the U.S. government’s routine perpetration of such injustice on others throughout the world. As one example, U.S. drone strikes kill many times more civilians than terrorists.
Such disregard for human life is morally reprehensible. In addition, it unnecessarily engenders enemies of the United States.
Read the rest at LP.org!
Republican allies in Michigan courts subvert justice to block Libertarian competition
Gov. Gary Johnson, 2012 Libertarian Party candidate for president, and the voters of Michigan were robbed last year, and the Republican Party is the thief.
Johnson was barred from appearing on the ballot during November's election at the behest of the GOP establishment and Republican Secretary of State Ruth Johnson, who used their insider political power to block competition at the polls. The district court ruling blocking Johnson’s ballot appearance was a gross violation of the rule of law, and contrary to long-established precedent stretching back for 100 years during which time many candidates appeared on presidential ballots despite being in the same circumstances as Johnson during his campaign.
Read the rest at LP.org!
Libertarian Arthur Thomas aims to shrink spending, debt in San Antonio
The city government in San Antonio, Texas, keeps expanding its budget, spending, and debt, despite the flagging economy that has city residents strapped for cash. Libertarian candidate for city council Arthur Thomas hopes to put a stop to that trend by slashing every unnecessary expenditure.
"My philosophy on government is to always ask 'should government be doing this?', and even if so, 'how can it return this responsibility back to the people in the future?' When we are not careful with this responsibility then the value of our lives and our dreams are taken away and used to build those of politicians in power."
On his campaign website, Thomas points out that as of last fall, San Antonio was nearly $9.5 billion in debt, which translates to more than $7,000 for each resident.
"We live in a time when our pocketbooks are stretched and government is failing around us," Thomas said to Examiner.com. "Government is piling on debt not just nationally but at the state and local levels as well. We desperately need people that will fight to not just try to manage the government beast but to fight it off and chop off some of its limbs."
Read the rest at LP.org!
Who’s Driving? — a game that puts Libertarians in the driver’s seat — now available
The exciting libertarian game — Who’s Driving? — is now available online. Click here to learn all about it, to learn how to organize and lead the game, and to print materials needed to play.
Special Offer: Laminated Who’s Driving? playing cards
Although you don’t need special playing cards to play (you can print them from this web page along with all the materials needed to play) it’s even easier if you have the cards already made up for you.
The national LP headquarters is offering a free set of laminated Who’s Driving? playing cards to the first eight activists who organize and set a date for playing Who’s Driving?, and who have at least eight confirmed attendees.
If that’s you, please send the details of your event (date, time, link to announcement, your name and contact info, and names of at least eight confirmed attendees) to: wd@lp.org
The first eight game organizers who reply will be sent a set of 10 cards (enough for 12 to play). Maximum, one per state affiliate.
View this at LP.org!
Florida Libertarian Joseph Wendt netted 43% of vote on platform to abolish his office
Joseph Wendt, 2012 candidate for Florida's Soil and Water Conservation Board, netted the largest Libertarian Party vote total in his state, and one of the largest in the nation, running on a platform to defund and abolish the board he was campaigning to join.
"I am going to be blunt, the board is a waste of your tax dollars," Wendt wrote on his campaign website. "It has a budget of about a quarter of a million dollars. What do they do with it? They fund a poster contest, and have 2 full-time employees that act like plumbers and doesn't fix anything. Gee, call me crazy, but I think your tax dollars should and can be better spent. So, I want the County to stop funding the Board."
Read the rest at LP.org!
Post-election issue of LP News now available online
The 2012 post-election edition of LP News is now available in the LP News archive, which contains issues stretching back four and a half years.
So, if you haven't seen it yet, be sure to delve into our coverage of election results, including the presidential race of Gov. Gary Johnson and Judge Jim Gray, elected Libertarians in local offices, and other impressive campaign outcomes.
Hard copy issues of LP News are mailed to sustaining members of the national LP. PDF versions of past issues are available for free at the LP News archive.
Click here to become a member and receive future issues of LP News hot off the press.
View this at LP.org!
Paid for by the Libertarian National Committee
2600 Virginia Ave, N.W. Suite 200, Washington D.C. 20037
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
Table of Contents:
Hardy Macia, Libertarian activist and candidate, releases viral video calling for legal home growing of medical marijuana
Hardy Macia, long-time Libertarian Party activist and 2012 candidate for Congress in New Hampshire's second district, released a video on May 8 pleading with Gov. Maggie Hassan to support the legality of growing medical marijuana at home, a provision removed from a bill passed in March that allows the use of marijuana for medical purposes in New Hampshire.
The video is a heartbreaking personal message from Macia, who was diagnosed last August with Hodgkin's lymphoma and says he probably only has weeks left to live. Medical marijuana is one of the few things that make the life he has left bearable.
"To get to sleep at night, sometimes it's the only thing that helps put me out, versus some of the harsh drugs that they give me, like the oxycodone or vicodin," Macia said in the video.
Read the rest and watch the video at LP.org!
The Libertarian Party extends heartfelt sympathies to the surviving families of the victims and all who were harmed by the senseless and violent bombing in Boston on April 15 and its aftermath. We applaud the efforts of Boston-area residents and law enforcement officials who helped to remove the immediate threat of additional harm from the alleged perpetrators.
While we are relieved that the Justice Department has assured that the surviving bombing suspect will receive a civilian trial, we are troubled that, according to news reports, he was not read his Miranda rights prior to questioning. Regardless of the severity of the crime, upholding individual rights is paramount. We call for ensuring that all criminal suspects, including alleged terrorists, are Mirandized and offered the right to an attorney before questioning. We also call for ensuring that all such interrogations be, without exception, properly monitored and videotaped.
We are further troubled by reports of martial law tactics, including the alleged orders issued by Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick for residents to stay inside their homes and for stores to stay closed. Visiting homes to inquire of suspect sightings or politely requesting that residents stay off the streets — without any threat of force — is a reasonable measure for authorities to take during an emergency. However, threatening force in any way is a breach of our constitutional rights and is unacceptable. Going forward, we call for laws that impose criminal penalties on any government official who oversteps his or her authority or who in any way diminishes our constitutional protections.
While we strenuously condemn acts of violence against innocent men, women, and children as occurred on April 15, we also condemn the U.S. government’s routine perpetration of such injustice on others throughout the world. As one example, U.S. drone strikes kill many times more civilians than terrorists.
Such disregard for human life is morally reprehensible. In addition, it unnecessarily engenders enemies of the United States.
Read the rest at LP.org!
Gov. Gary Johnson, 2012 Libertarian Party candidate for president, and the voters of Michigan were robbed last year, and the Republican Party is the thief.
Johnson was barred from appearing on the ballot during November's election at the behest of the GOP establishment and Republican Secretary of State Ruth Johnson, who used their insider political power to block competition at the polls. The district court ruling blocking Johnson’s ballot appearance was a gross violation of the rule of law, and contrary to long-established precedent stretching back for 100 years during which time many candidates appeared on presidential ballots despite being in the same circumstances as Johnson during his campaign.
Read the rest at LP.org!
The city government in San Antonio, Texas, keeps expanding its budget, spending, and debt, despite the flagging economy that has city residents strapped for cash. Libertarian candidate for city council Arthur Thomas hopes to put a stop to that trend by slashing every unnecessary expenditure.
"My philosophy on government is to always ask 'should government be doing this?', and even if so, 'how can it return this responsibility back to the people in the future?' When we are not careful with this responsibility then the value of our lives and our dreams are taken away and used to build those of politicians in power."
On his campaign website, Thomas points out that as of last fall, San Antonio was nearly $9.5 billion in debt, which translates to more than $7,000 for each resident.
"We live in a time when our pocketbooks are stretched and government is failing around us," Thomas said to Examiner.com. "Government is piling on debt not just nationally but at the state and local levels as well. We desperately need people that will fight to not just try to manage the government beast but to fight it off and chop off some of its limbs."
Read the rest at LP.org!
Special Offer: Laminated Who’s Driving? playing cards
Although you don’t need special playing cards to play (you can print them from this web page along with all the materials needed to play) it’s even easier if you have the cards already made up for you.The national LP headquarters is offering a free set of laminated Who’s Driving? playing cards to the first eight activists who organize and set a date for playing Who’s Driving?, and who have at least eight confirmed attendees.
If that’s you, please send the details of your event (date, time, link to announcement, your name and contact info, and names of at least eight confirmed attendees) to: wd@lp.org
The first eight game organizers who reply will be sent a set of 10 cards (enough for 12 to play). Maximum, one per state affiliate.
View this at LP.org!
Joseph Wendt, 2012 candidate for Florida's Soil and Water Conservation Board, netted the largest Libertarian Party vote total in his state, and one of the largest in the nation, running on a platform to defund and abolish the board he was campaigning to join.
"I am going to be blunt, the board is a waste of your tax dollars," Wendt wrote on his campaign website. "It has a budget of about a quarter of a million dollars. What do they do with it? They fund a poster contest, and have 2 full-time employees that act like plumbers and doesn't fix anything. Gee, call me crazy, but I think your tax dollars should and can be better spent. So, I want the County to stop funding the Board."
Read the rest at LP.org!
So, if you haven't seen it yet, be sure to delve into our coverage of election results, including the presidential race of Gov. Gary Johnson and Judge Jim Gray, elected Libertarians in local offices, and other impressive campaign outcomes.
Hard copy issues of LP News are mailed to sustaining members of the national LP. PDF versions of past issues are available for free at the LP News archive.
Click here to become a member and receive future issues of LP News hot off the press.
View this at LP.org!
2600 Virginia Ave, N.W. Suite 200, Washington D.C. 20037
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
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