The Libertarian Party is the third largest and fastest growing political party in the U.S. The Libertarian party is dedicated to strictly limited government, a pure free market economy, private property rights, civil liberties, personal freedoms with personal responsibilities, and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace, and free trade. Libertarians of South Central Kansas (LSOCK) are an affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Kansas ( We meet every Tuesday night (except holidays) from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at Cathy's Westway Cafe located at 1215 W. Pawnee (just west of Seneca Street) in Wichita, Kansas. All who support personal responsibility and individual liberty are invited to attend!
LPKS/LSOCK P.O. Box 2456 Wichita, Kansas 67201

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

From the Wichita Eagle

Keen Umbehr running to promote fair tax legislation, government transparency

08/16/2014 3:09 PM 
 08/16/2014 7:02 PM
The Libertarian candidate for Kansas governor transformed himself from trash collector to crusading attorney after battling for his own right to free speech before the U.S. Supreme Court, a case he won.
He’s hoping he can defy the odds again and pull off a victory in November against Gov. Sam Brownback and Democrat challenger Paul Davis.
Keen Umbehr had a trash-hauling contract with Wabaunsee County, but the county commissioners terminated his contract after Umbehr criticized them in the local newspaper. Umbehr filed suit, alleging that his First Amendment rights had been violated, and the case eventually went to the U.S. Supreme Court.
In 1996 the court sided with Umbehr in a 7-2 decision that affirmed that private contractors working for the government are entitled to the same free speech rights as government employees.
“We had a lot of opportunities to settle,” Umbehr said. “But I’m not the settling kind of guy. And it worked out well for us because we got a great ruling.”
The experience inspired him to sell his trash-hauling business and pursue a career as an attorney, earning his law degree from Washburn University in 2005.
“When … my oldest son started going to college, I thought, ‘Man I have got to get to college.’ I went to K-State, studied political science and went onto Washburn Law to become a lawyer. And I’m a lawyer.”
His running mate is his son, Josh Umbehr, a physician who lives in Wichita. The younger Umbehr, the second of four sons, roomed with his father while they both attended K-State.
Josh Umbehr recounted that during his legal battles with the county, his dad used to take his teenage sons with him to the Washburn Law library fresh off a shift on the trash truck.
“We’d park the trash truck right there in the parking lot, we’d do our homework and dad, with the help of the librarian, taught himself how to do legal research,” he said. “It was very interesting that, ‘Hey, a trashman can be a lawyer.’
“I think we grew up with a different idea of what normal was. And in our house it was pretty normal to bust the system.”

Fair tax law

If he pulls off a long shot victory, Keen Umbehr said he would demand passage of fair tax legislation.
Umbehr said it was immoral for a wage earner to pay income tax, while sole proprietors, such as himself, do not have to pay income tax on their businesses. He would eliminate the income tax completely and replace it with a 5.7 percent consumption tax on goods and services.
“They have to equalize the tax code for everybody, A to Z, all at once. And failure to do that, I will veto every single piece of legislation they bring me until they fix this,” he said. “Because this is the most insidious. This makes 1.4 million W-2 wage earners the tax slaves of the state of Kansas.”
Umbehr accused House Speaker Ray Merrick, R-Stilwell, of preventing fair tax legislation from going to the House floor. Merrick responded with an e-mailed statement.
“It is easy to stand on the outside and make outlandish claims when you don't even attempt to understand the entire story,” Merrick’s statement said. “There have been hearings on the Fair Tax in the House and it has failed to receive enough support.
“However, as I have repeatedly told supporters of the Fair Tax, just like any other bill, if it is the will of at least 63 members I would not stand in the way.”
Until August 2013, Umbehr said he was registered as a Republican.
“I was so frustrated with the Republican Party,” he said. “They wanted my time. They wanted my money. But they didn’t want my opinion on anything.”
He began researching the Libertarian Party, which seemed to be a better fit and considers himself a “conservative Libertarian.”
Umbehr criticized House Republicans for supporting a bill that would have allowed public and private employees to refuse service to same-sex couples on religious grounds.
“This piece of legislation is based upon the religious tenet that homosexuality is bad, bad, bad … It was used to whip up well-meaning Christian people who don't have all the facts, who say, ‘Well, we should protect our religious values.’
“Well, you don’t protect religious values by making a law. You can’t make any law that inhibits or advances a religious tenet. And that’s what this is.”
On education, Umbehr said that there should be more school choice in Kansas and that state money should travel with a student whether they attend public or private school.
He breaks from some Libertarians on the issue of marijuana. He believes it should not be legalized for recreational use, but would support legalization for medical purposes.

More transparency

In addition to his Supreme Court battle, Umbehr has tangled with the Kansas Department of Corrections and won.
He represented a female inmate at the Topeka Correctional Facility who was impregnated by a guard after an alleged rape incident and was made to have an abortion, she claimed, against her will.
In 2009 Umbehr brought Tim Carpenter, a reporter with the Topeka Capital-Journal, along with him to interview clients at the prison. The resulting articles exposed sexual abuse of female prisoners by guards and prompted an investigation of the facility by the U.S. Department of Justice.
The stories also helped push the state to elevate the offense of a guard having sex with an inmate to a felony with a presumptive prison sentence.
The stories also prompted Charles Simmons, the deputy secretary of corrections, to bring a misconduct complaint against Umbehr with the state’s disciplinary review board, alleging that Umbehr had misrepresented Carpenter as a legal assistant.
“The Deputy Secretary of Corrections filed a complaint against Keen to try and ruin his legal career,” said Carpenter, who said he was interviewed multiple times by the disciplinary review board. “And they kept wanting Keen to plead to a lesser (charge), and I’d say very courageously he refused.
“He was very aggressive in pursuing justice, according to him. And in the end, he was completely exonerated. Completely.”
The Department of Corrections declined to comment on the controversy.
One of Umbehr’s key issues is greater government transparency.
“We’re all for transparency until we’ve got some bad information to get out,” Umbehr said of state officials.
He said he would like to create an ombudsman’s office that would be charged to investigate grievances against the state government. He also believes that the state should conduct its own investigation of fraud charges levied against Kansas by the federal Securities and Exchange Commission for misrepresenting the state’s pension liabilities in 2009 and 2010.
The state conceded to the charges without admitting wrongdoing and has instituted new transparency measures. But Umbehr thinks that Brownback, who took office after the incidents took place, should pursue a state investigation and bring charges against the former officials responsible.
“Why didn’t Brownback call for a top-to-bottom investigation of that? Well, because he’s still the benefactor of these bonds,” Umbehr said. “We misrepresented the strength of our state in order to sell $275 million of bonds. This is Watergate stuff!”
The Brownback campaign declined to respond to Umbehr’s criticism.

‘Compelling story’

Bob Beatty, a political science professor at Washburn University, said that Umbehr’s story – a trash collector who fights all the way to the Supreme Court and wins – could appeal to some voters who are tired of Brownback but unsure about Davis.
“It’s a very compelling story,” Beatty said. “And it’s different than your average third-party candidate. I think there’s a lot of appeal here.”
The challenge, Beatty said, will be getting his message out with limited resources – the Umbehr campaign raised less than $20,000 between January and July – and less media attention than the Republican and Democratic candidates.
Umbehr said his strategy is simple: tell the truth.
“I don’t have to worry about myself because the truth is the truth,” he said.
Chapman Rackaway, a professor of political science at Fort Hays State University, said that Umbehr could potentially draw supporters away from both Brownback and Davis.
“If Umbehr outperforms your typical Libertarian candidate he could end up being the difference between winning and losing for the other two candidates,” Rackaway said.
“You could certainly see him brokering an election. We’re not talking about him winning. But could he play a significant role in this election? Absolutely.”
If Umbehr earns 5 percent of the vote, Libertarians will be added to the primary ballot, which Rackaway said would be a victory for Umbehr.
Umbehr thinks he can get 35 percent of the vote, with Davis and Brownback splitting the rest.
Reach Bryan Lowry at 785-296-3006 or Follow him on Twitter:@BryanLowry3.

Read more here:

Saturday, August 23, 2014

From The Topeka Capital Journal

Libertarian's pitch for spot in radio debate falls on deaf ears

WIBW sticking to standards in denying Umbehr place on Hutch stage

Posted: August 22, 2014 - 3:39pm

The Libertarian Party candidate in the Kansas governor's race says he is disappointed to be excluded from the Sept. 6 gubernatorial debate scheduled at the Kansas State Fair.
But Keen Umbehr also says that, as a Libertarian, he respects a private company's decision to set its own policies and standards.
The private company is WIBW 580 Radio, the event organizer and originator of a statewide radio network that will carry the debate between Republican Gov. Sam Brownback and Democratic challenger Paul Davis. The Topeka radio station has determined that Umbehr doesn’t meet one of its qualifications for inclusion in the debate — that a candidate must have raised more than $50,000 in campaign contributions that are not self-funded.
Umbehr, of Alma, said in a news release Friday that he has pledged more than $50,000 of his own money to his campaign, but that outside contributions total only about $16,000. He said he made a personal plea for inclusion to Kelly Lenz, 580 Radio's farm director who will moderate the State Fair gubernatorial debate, but was told the radio station would stand by the criteria it established.
WIBW Radio's decision, Umbehr said in his statement, "denies thousands of Kansas voters the opportunity to hear the exchange of ideas on the serious issues facing the state of Kansas, such as: the governor’s discriminatory income tax plan, school finance and the denial of due process for teachers, RPS funding, the SEC complaint against Kansas, and governmental accountability and transparency — just to name a few.”
Even so, Umbehr added, he appreciates that a radio station is free to set the standards for a debate it is organizing. “This is what liberty is about,” he noted.
Umbehr said he meets the station's other criteria for inclusion, including the stipulation that a candidate poll at 5 percent or better in an independent pre-election poll. Nine percent of respondents to a Public Policy Poll said Umbehr would be their choice as governor, the polling agency announced recently.
Umbehr isn't giving up at a berth in the debate lineup. He is hoping Brownback and Davis will make a personal appeal to WIBW to allow the Libertarian to participate.
“There will be three names on the November ballot, and in the interest of fairness, Kansans should be allowed to hear from all three candidates,” he said.
Even if he doesn't appear with the other candidates in Hutchinson, Umbehr said he would accept Lenz's offer of a one-hour spot on a 580 news-talk program on Friday, Sept. 9.
The gubernatorial radio debate will be carried over the Kansas Radio Networks at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 6.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

For immediate release
August 14, 2014
Libertarian Party: Police should stand down in Ferguson, MO; end failed drug war
Militarized police in Ferguson, Mo., after the August 2014 shooting death of Michael Brown.
Militarized police in Ferguson, Mo., after the August 2014 shooting death of Michael Brown.
Tear gas, unrest, controlling the press, and the killing of alleged innocents are outcomes one would expect politicians to rationalize as inevitable in a war zone.
But these atrocities are happening in American cities — now in Ferguson, Mo., in the heart of the United States.
The war is not against tyrants who have invaded America or terrorists who commit mass murder.
No, the war is one that Democratic and Republican politicians are waging against fellow Americans who are hurting no one else.
The War on Drugs is frequently used to justify police who accost minorities walking down the street or otherwise engaged in peaceful behavior. This may have been what precipitated the killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown over the weekend, leading to riots and another shooting on Wednesday.
Although all the facts of this case are not yet known, the War on Drugs can be blamed for breeding the tension and resentment that has led to the dangerous rioting we now see in Ferguson.
"The militarization of our domestic police forces must end," said Nicholas Sarwark, chair of the Libertarian National Committee. "The failed War on Drugs must end. And there's no circumstance in which any government authority should attempt to silence or suppress the news media or people peacefully observing police conduct."
So far, police in Ferguson have placed two reporters under arrest — one for the Washington Post and one for the Huffington Post — along with an observer, a St. Louis alderman.
The Libertarian Party calls on the St. Louis County Police Department to:
  • Release the name of the police officer who shot Michael Brown.
  • Let the investigation into the shooting play out without escalating tensions.
  • Stop arresting reporters and observers in blatant violation of the First Amendment
  • Stand down and withdraw the militarized response.
The Libertarian Party also denounces and demands accountability for protesters who vandalize, loot, and destroy private property and thus victimize innocent small business owners.
The War on Drugs has been the rationale for the militarization of domestic police forces, a fact covered extensively by Washington Post reporter Radley Balko. The Libertarian Party calls for repeal of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which provides for dispensation of military equipment to federal and state law enforcement agencies for "counter-drug activities," and also calls for immediately ceasing the acquisition and use of military surplus equipment and supplies by domestic police departments.
America's senseless and reckless War on Drugs has ruined thousands of lives. It has failed to serve any useful purpose. It has failed to reduce dangerous use of drugs — and, in fact, encourages drug addiction. It has failed to make our streets safe — and has made them dangerous. It has failed to institute justice — and instead inflicts continual miscarriages of justice.
The Libertarian Party has long advocated for an end to the failed and dangerous War on Drugs. Twenty-seven Libertarian candidates running for federal office in 2014, and many more running for state and local office across the country, have pledged to end the War on Drugs if elected.

Paid for by the Libertarian National Committee
1444 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

LSOCK NEWS, August 11,  2014

Libertarians Of South Central Kansas (LSOCK) meet for Supper and discussion every Tuesday at Cathy’s Westway Cafe located at 1215 W. Pawnee in Wichita, Kansas at 5:30 PM. If we have official business to conduct or a featured guest speaker, that will begin at 6:00 PM. All who support personal responsibility and individual liberty are invited to attend.

To receive the LSOCK NEWS and LSOCK NEWS Alerts! via email please contact Steven Rosile at or 316 618-1339.

Contact the Libertarian Party of Kansas or LSOCK at:

P.O. Box 2456
Wichita, Kansas 67201

Ph. (800) 335-1776

On the Web please go to  or to the LSOCK Blog at:

LSOCK NEWS August 11, 2014


  1.  From The Editor
  2.  National LP Vote Libertarian Yardsign Offer
  3.  Keen For Kansas at the Sedgwick County Fair Parade
  4.  Batson For US Senate Campaign Website Up
  5.  Report From LP National Convention

  1.   From The Editor

Hello everyone,

The primary elections are over and the results show that Kansans are are not to pleased with incumbents Brownback and Roberts, even though they both won their primary  the 67% for the governor and 48% for the Senator show that the voters are ready for someone (and something) new like the Libertarian Party and its candidates and policies.

Please support and promote our candidates and party.

You can contribute to our Keen Umbehr and Randall Batson, LPKS candidates for Governor and US Senator candidates at:

Thank you.

For Liberty,

Steven A. Rosile

      2.    National LP VOTE LIBERTARIAN Yardsign Offer
Dear Libertarian,
Just in time for election season, we’re getting a great deal on some yard signs, and we’re offering them to you for $19.99 each! (Donate more and get huge discounts -- 6 for $59.99, or 20 for $149.99!)
Free shipping, and wire stands are included.
The signs are bright blue, gold and white, and say “Libertarian Party” on one side and “Vote Libertarian” on the other.
These aren’t cheap paper signs. They’re 24”x12” high-quality durable corrugated plastic that will last for many months outside in the hot sun and rain. They’ll last for years in some cases, allowing you to reuse them next election season.
They’ll also look great at Libertarian booths, rallies, and on the front of a podium at a press conference.
Proceeds from this promotion go towards Libertarian ballot access, and we definitely need your support!
This is a limited time offer. It’s possible we’ll be able to add the signs to the catalog of our new online store later, but I can’t guarantee that, and I want to get them in your hands as soon as possible.
Please order by our deadline of August 20, 2014.  We’ll try to get them to you by August 31.
Again, it’s free shipping on these orders, and one H-stand is included with each sign for free.
Visit our ballot access fund page and get your blue Libertarian yard sign today!
Yours in liberty,

Wes Benedict
Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee

  1.    Keen For Kansas at the Sedgwick County Fair Parade

LPKS Candidate for Governor Keen Umbehr marched in the Sedgwick County Fair Parade as part of his campaign. LSOCK members John Kostner (candidate for Kingman County Commision), James Pruden (candidate for Kansas House District xx), David Loomis and Steven Rosile participated along with Umbehr family members and friends in the parade. Keen was well received by the crowd sitting and standing along Main Street in Cheney.

     4.    Batson For US Senate Campaign Website Up

Hello, my name is Randall Batson. I am a Libertarian.  I would be humbled to serve Kansans in the US senate. 

I grew up in Wichita in an aviation family. After serving in the Navy I worked at Cessna. Later, I briefly worked as a contractor in
the bio-pharmaceutical industry as a non-destructive technician. I have returned home to Wichita and now work as a Quality Assurance inspector at a manufacturing facility.

In my political awakening I recognized most problems in society are the consequences of government action.

These 6 words should grab your attention: Violence, Force, Law, Justice, Liberty, and Peace.  Most laws are a form of violence, by action of force, this does not promote justice, liberty, nor peace.

My agenda is simple: I will initiate force on other beings. I will only support legislation for justice, liberty, and peace.

Coercion is tyranny motivating each one of us to think, speak, and act in our own defense. Therefore I urge you to exercise your 1st amendment rights. If you elect me as your senator, my efforts will be 
limited by the Constitution. When I swear an Oath to uphold and defend it, I will honor my commitment. The original intent of its Framers was to create a moral compass. It will guide me as a strict constructionist.

Randal Batsen

      5.   Report From 2014 LP Convention Columbus Ohio

As I only attended business meetings, my report will only reflect actions taken by the convention at those meetings.

A majority of business on Friday was seating the Oregon delegation, they are in the middle of an ongoing power struggle between the outgoing chair of 2011 Wes Wagner and the duly elected new chair. This ongoing squabble has brought only bad press and the Oregon Sec of State recognizing both factions. The courts have made clear they don't want to get in this cat fight on a bet, who would?

The most tragic part of this whole fiasco is that neither faction had enough people to fill their delegation. When one faction offered an olive branch to seat members of either faction, most accepted.

The unfortunate consequence of this bit of parliamentary drama was it chewed up most of the morning session. Though their proposal to choose the porcupine as our symbol wasn't bad.

Friday afternoon was filled with award ceremonies for people I didn't know for “achievements” I knew nothing about. With the remaining time there was an effort to establish rules on conduct of the floor, this proved most informative and set the stage for coming events.

Saturday started right on time with a motion to strip or change a platform plank. I found it curious this was brought up by the temperance wing of the party after an evening of meet and greets.

After almost an hour was churned up by a string of evangelicals it was brought to the attention of the chair that this whole course of action violated three or four by-laws about changing planks with out approval of the committee that this whole mornings business was out of order. I got cats and I can herd them. LIBERTARIANS that's something else.

Turn's out the plank in question was #4 ABORTION, a more divisive issue hasn't been found. The plank is one of the most well thought out, nonjudgmental statements of a tricky situation this observer has ever seen. Of course this was too much for the right to life folks so a concerted effort was undertaken to strip this plank from the platform. After hours of parliamentary wrangling the plank was left  though on the website it's item 5 while in the published version of the platform it was item 4...

After lunch there was another item brought to the floor, by the country club crowd, was an amendment to charge delegates to attend and vote on party business. Looking around at the Hyatt Grand ballroom which was ours for a long weekend, the other rooms used by speakers where I wasn't invited could really add up. Though the top package was $460.00 for the weekend, checkout time was 11am sun. We all found out about that when they announced it Sunday morning while we were trying to finish some business, which would have been better finished on Fri or Sat when we were thrown out of the hall to make room for the banquet while no business was conducted.

While I can appreciate the social aspects of any convention, pushing costs higher for some of us represents an undue expense. If the room had been used for business meetings more would have gotten done as far as reviewing changes in the platform that caught many by surprise and weren’t given the opportunity to debate as all good political parties must. Frankly none of the speakers that were sold as part of the package helped in any way to bring the party into more open discussions of the issues that face us all. I just don't like “KOOL-AID” no matter who is serving it up.

The attempt to impose fees on attending convention meetings was soundly defeated, but not after more parliamentary shenanigans. It was also swayed by the fact that under the anti-poll tax laws of Florida, site of our next convention, such requirements would be contrary to state law.

There was an election of leadership of the LNC, this seemed to be kind of brutal for a job with no salary.

After a needlessly bitter chairmanship battle Nicholas Sarwark was elected Chairman.
In his acceptance speech he went on that he could put us in touch with big time money donors and we would be on our way. While it takes some money trying to set up the libertarian party to cater to only the well heeled correctly puts us into the same category as the major parties, whose whole agenda is called by those heavy contributors whose idea is that democracy is for sale to the highest bidder. All this while the National party offers no support for small candidates in state races. The call by so many to exclude non paying delegates, whose presence there was at significant sacrifice reeks of elitism that has no place in a party dedicated to the empowerment of all.

One other order of business was the announcement that a new headquarters building had been purchased with party funds at 1444 Duke St. Alexandria Va. this move was supposed to show significant savings of $6000.00 a month over rent in the Watergate in Washington. Whose ego are we feeding by these actions? I was born in Alexandria and spent my working life; outside of service in the U.S. Navy, as an electrical and general contractor in the greater metropolitan area. Few addresses are more expensive.

One of the biggest drivers of the market in Alexandria is access to the Metro system. I thought Libertarians were against big government spending on transportation projects. I guess that attitude only counts for projects that directly benefit lower income folks. There is a glut of Office space all over the Washington area that would have been much more reasonable purchased. However it just doesn't sound as upscale to have the headquarters of the party in Tyson's corner, or Suitland Md. Who is really benefiting with this course of action? Members of the board who have outside businesses using party headquarters. Nothing impresses potential clients more than a sought after address, especially when it was paid for with someone else's money. This will come back to haunt our outreach for more diverse membership.

It's difficult to persuade potential members who might work for wages to donate so the party fat cats can maintain party headquarters that cost so much. These issues were never discussed at this convention because there was always another Kool-Aid dispenser competing all over the hotel while the business meetings were being held.

As we only hold conventions every other year it would give the party more credibility to spend that time meeting and discussing party business not forcing the meetings to break up so the room could by set up for the banquet, the convention has become an elitist gathering  without setting aside enough time for the actual business of the party. The end result is that planks were put into the platform without any input from the majority of delegates.

The most flagrant example was the addition of plank 1.1 in the platform on the website about Self Ownership. This plank was not in the platform given to delegates. It just was not there. Article 4 section 3 of the bylaws clearly states that “existing Platform may be amended only at REGULAR CONVENTIONS. Additional planks, or additions to planks must be approved by a 2/3 vote. A platform plank may be deleted by majority vote.” It is the chair's responsibility to follow the by-laws. No vote was taken on this plank and it is nowhere in the report from the platform committee. There were other planks that just appeared, the one about monopolies surprised many on the floor as they never saw it at the last convention. Truth be told; when we left  the convention at 2:00 on Sunday, there was still debate on the floor. If any new business was conducted after that point, was there a quorum?

There are other irregularities going on by a small cadre of fascists who think they know better and that we should just sit still and drink the KOOL-AID

We are in a point in history when voter dissatisfaction has never been higher. If the only thing coming out of the Libertarians is distilled republican nonsense then we guarantee that this party will never rise to its potential and give the people a real choice in elected leaders. As long as we allow conventions to become a disbursement vehicle for the republican speaking tour industry we assure ourselves conventions that don't have the time to actually read and vote on the platform it won't change. Let's face the facts our party up till now has been fueled by old angry white men who are becoming a minority if only by attrition.

The reality of the last election should bring this home to even the most casual observer.
.Conventions need to be working groups not a Kool -Aid fest when the director of FEE was the highlighted speaker. Having read a statement from FEE, that all federal environmental regulations are immoral; it's like the Cuyahoga River never caught fire, Yet these folks have never taken raw materials and through talent and skill of their own hands created something of wealth  When you read the statement of achievements of the speaker is that they've been on fox “news”, it just makes me cringe.

When the platform calls for an elimination of  immigration laws  it's only to appease the fast food franchisees, but what does that do to the communities overrun with undocumented workers. I agree with Mitt Romney on this point; if the enforcement agencies actually enforced the laws about not hiring illegals. No jobs would make for no economic incentive to illegally enter the country and they would self deport. However this is in the platform and nobody who came to the last convention was ever given a chance to vote on that plank 

This isn’t democracy folks, it's fascism and economic slavery. These aren't American values. My ancestor fought the Tories in 1776 and we have let them back in. My Scot grandmother
talked about having to quit school after 8th grade; to go to work in the linen mills in Dundee Scotland after her father left because the owners of the mills brought in Irish workers who would work for half the wage. He came here sponsored by his brother and worked at Homesote Inc. to establish himself and show he could support his family. Everybody worked for two years to make it happen.

These laws are still on the books but not enforced, why? To appease big donors who scream about govt interference with their business while preaching about free market principles, until those free market principles drive up wages. Then govt policy is manipulated against citizens to the detriment of most. This never ending disproportionate .influence of  the  agenda by special interests was on display for all to see at this convention.

Like it or not, govt. does have to pass laws for the general peace. If the issues that motivate folks to elect leaders needs to be met with a coherent agenda free from undue influence of special interests outside of the district  represented. 

Until we offer the voter a real option; that embraces a policy of “NO LOBBYISTS”, we will never win any elections of any import. When the platform is more in line with the beliefs of those same special interests we will be considered distilled republicans and fade into the dust, THINK WHIGS.

James Pruden
Kansas Delegate to the
2014 Libertarian Party National Convention

Saturday, August 9, 2014

From Our Friend In Liberty, John Todd


Wichita Area Chapter Meeting

Monday, August 11, 2014
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Spangles Restaurant (Meeting Room)
612 S. Broadway (Kellogg & Broadway Downtown)
Wichita, Kansas 67202

Rodger Woods
Deputy State Director
 Americans For Prosperity--Kansas 
Kansas Tax Cuts—the Untold Story   

Deputy Director’s presentation to be followed by
Q & A and group discussion.

For additional information please contact:
John Todd, Wichita AFP volunteer coordinator


Susan Estes, AFP Field Director, Kansas

The Kansas Chapter of Americans for Prosperity (AFP-KS) is committed to advancing every Kansan's right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP-KS is an organization of grassroots citizen leaders who engage in spreading the message of fiscally responsible government, free market ideals and regulatory restraint to policymakers on the local and state levels.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Dear, Libertarians of South Central Kansas:
I'd like to invite you to the official grand opening of our new David F. Nolan Memorial Headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia!

Saturday, September 20, 2014, 7:00pm to 10:00pm

Libertarian Party Headquarters
1444 Duke St.
Alexandria, VA 22314

Help celebrate our new office and meet the Libertarian National Committee (LNC) members, staff and local candidates! Beer, wine and light hors d'oeuvres will be served.

Please support our new office by donating to the David F. Nolan Memorial Fund.

You may also want to join us for the LNC meeting. Details along with parking and hotel information here.

Updates to the grand opening event will be posted here.

I hope you can attend.

Best regards,

Nicholas Sarwark
Chair, Libertarian National Committee

Paid for by the Libertarian National Committee
1444 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

For immediate release
August 6, 2014
Libertarians say get rid of Ex-Im Bank
Libertarian Party Chair Nicholas Sarwark says the Export-Import Bank should be allowed to expire later this year. Sarwark comments:
Most Republicans and Democrats are crony capitalists and protectionists, which means they love stuff like the Export-Import Bank. Its supporters include left-wingers like Senator Elizabeth Warren, and right-wingers like Texas Governor Rick Perry.

The basic idea is, foreign governments harm their own citizens with export subsidies. So our government should harm us, too.

The Ex-Im Bank simply takes money from taxpayers, and then splits it up between foreign buyers and U.S. exporters.

Ex-Im supporters say that it's not costing taxpayers, because the agency makes loans that are usually repaid. But they are below-market loans. Estimates are that the agency really costs taxpayers a few hundred million dollars a year. But even one penny is too much. Taxpayers should not be on the hook for any of this.

And the Ex-Im Bank also undercuts private lenders, which unfairly harms their business.

Companies like Boeing whine that foreign governments have similar programs, so it's not a "level playing field." Too bad. Instead of lobbying our government to make things worse, they should lobby foreign governments to make things better.

And why would foreign governments get rid of their subsidies when we keep ours? Let's set a great example for the rest of the world and stop burdening our taxpayers with the Ex-Im Bank. Maybe some foreign governments will follow suit. Freedom is contagious.

The Libertarian Party platform includes the following:
2.6 Marketplace Freedom

Libertarians support free markets. We defend the right of individuals to form corporations, cooperatives and other types of entities based on voluntary association. We oppose all forms of government subsidies and bailouts to business, labor, or any other special interest. Government should not compete with private enterprise.

Paid for by the Libertarian National Committee
1444 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.