The Libertarian Party is the third largest and fastest growing political party in the U.S. The Libertarian party is dedicated to strictly limited government, a pure free market economy, private property rights, civil liberties, personal freedoms with personal responsibilities, and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace, and free trade. Libertarians of South Central Kansas (LSOCK) are an affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Kansas ( We meet every Tuesday night (except holidays) from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at Cathy's Westway Cafe located at 1215 W. Pawnee (just west of Seneca Street) in Wichita, Kansas. All who support personal responsibility and individual liberty are invited to attend!
LPKS/LSOCK P.O. Box 2456 Wichita, Kansas 67201

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Libertarian Solutions To Societies Problems

Dear fellow Libertarian Party Member,

Want to help advance or Libertarian agenda – while being entered in a contest that could win you a $500 cash prize?

Libertarian Solutions. That’s how the Libertarian Party can demonstrate to voters that we can make their lives better with more freedom and much less government. Voting Libertarian.

We’ll be producing and posting videos through this election year that feature LP spokespersons, our candidates – and you, if you choose to participate - delivering our Libertarian Solutions.

You may have seen in the new issue of LP News that we’re holding the Libertarian Solutions Contest at the convention. Convention attendees will pick the winners for the best 2-minute video presentations of Libertarian Solutions. Any Libertarian candidate or party member may participate.

Great news – if you have an idea for a Libertarian Solution but no way to film it, we now have slots open to film LP members and candidates at the upcoming convention!

If you submit a Libertarian Solution for pre-qualification in the next few days, and if you  attend the LP National Convention in Las Vegas next week, we can film you delivering your solution on site at the convention – and enter the video in the Contest!

Videos that make the final cut for the Libertarian Solutions Contest will be played in the main ballroom – giving other party members and any media that may be present exposure to your proposal.

We now have both a professional copywriter and a professional videographer on staff who are available to help write a script based on your idea and film you during the convention delivering your Libertarian Solution.

Added bonus: We’re awarding $500 cash prizes to the winners in each of 4 categories: Best Libertarian Solution at the local level, best at the state level, and best at the federal level. The fourth category goes to the video which best answers the question “Why vote Libertarian.”

Here’s how it works:

1. Read the material at the web page at the end of this email. Follow each link to understand how the contest works and how to submit a qualified Libertarian Solution. Be sure to read every page carefully to become familiar with how a well-crafted Libertarian Solution markets the Libertarian Party and our candidates in the most powerful and persuasive way possible. The goal is to offer Libertarians Solutions that are compelling to everyday voters.

2. Based on the area of government which you propose to reduce or eliminate, answer the questions in the form on the second page entitled “Libertarian Solutions Criteria Worksheet and Submission Form.” Do NOT attempt to write a script. Just jot down the answers to the 8 questions (what’s your solution? Whom does it benefit? How does it benefit them, etc.) and submit them using this form. Note that for this contest, they MUST meet all 8 criteria.

3. We’ll evaluate your idea to ensure it meets all 8 criteria. The ones that do, and that are most persuasive, will be selected for more development. We’ll then get in touch with you to develop them into a Libertarian Solution. If it there are ways we can strengthen your proposal, we will suggest improvements so you have a killer Libertarian Solution – that the voters will love.

4. We’ll then invite you to turn your idea embodied in the 8 criteria into a two-minute script – or offer to write it for you, time permitting, using our professional writers on staff. Our aim is to help you come up with a presentation that powerfully presents your Libertarian Solution. Positive, professional and persuasive. We’ll send it to you for your approval to ensure that it accurately represents your intent.

5. You can film it yourself and prepare it for submission into the contest. Alternatively, we can schedule you to be filmed at the convention for as long as we have slots available for you to be filmed. To take advantage of this offer and make use of party resources, we’ll insist that you practice delivering the script before arriving at the convention. Practicing in front of a mirror works just fine to get you comfortable and fluid in your delivery. It’s awkward at first, but it works. Just keep doing it over and over until it feels natural. You can also practice your delivery with friends, family members, etc.

6. You schedule a 10-minute time slot with our videographer at the convention on Wednesday, May 2nd or Thursday, May 3rd between noon and 6:00 P.M. to film you delivering your Libertarian Solution.

A few notes on booking a time slot:

  • Only those Libertarian Solution that meets all 8 of the criteria for maximum effectiveness will be accepted.
  • Time slots are first come, first serve with preference given to candidates, to those who are registered for the convention, and those who are committed to coming practiced and prepared on time.
  • We will book your time slot only after we have agreed on the script that will be used. This is to ensure we use party resources for quality Libertarian material that will market our Libertarian agenda effectively.

7. You show up 30 minutes before your scheduled time in appropriate attire ready to be filmed. Note: because we’ll use a green screen – which gives us the flexibility to drop in any photo we want for the backdrop – please be sure to AVOID WEARING the color green. NO GREEN!

8. We will have a make-up artist on hand should you need or desire her services.

9. We’ll have your script loaded into our teleprompter ready for you to deliver in a “talking head” format where you’re speaking to the camera. We’ll have time to film just one (slightly-less-than) 2-minute take of you delivering your Libertarian Solution. So be sure you’re practiced and ready to go!

10. We will edit your video, adding title cards at the beginning and end of the video that identify you, and if you’re running for office, some details about your campaign.

11. If you’re a candidate, we’ll send you a copy of your video that you can use as-is for your campaign in your home district. For example, you may be able to run it free-of-charge on a local cable access station. Or edit it down to a 30-second or 60-second ad.

12. We’ll post videos that qualify for the contest at

Now please visit:

to read the full description. Please read this web page carefully, as well as the page it links to at the end.

If you wish to participate, please send us ASAP your Libertarian Solution data (answers to 8 questions) using the form at the above web page. Please include your name, phone number, and email address. If you’re a candidate, please also include the office you’re running for, name of your district and the date of your election (if not November 6, 2012).

If you’d like to participate in this offer and have a shot at the $500 cash prize, please submit your Libertarian Solution - 8 criteria as soon as possible to be considered for entry into the Contest.  

If your Libertarian Solution meets all 8 criteria, we’ll be in touch.

Please note that if you do not hear from us, you solution does not meet all the necessary criteria. You are certainly free to use your idea as you see fit. However we will only invest in video production for those Libertarian Solutions that meet these guidelines so that we help to create the most marketable and libertarian solutions possible.

Thank you for your interest and efforts in advancing our Libertarian goals.

Yours in liberty,

Carla Howell
Executive Director
National Libertarian Party

P.S. If you have not already done so, please join the Libertarian Party. We are the only political party with a mission to give voters a choice to downsize Big Government, to do so in the most humane way possible, to greatly reduce taxes, and to slash high government spending. You can also renew your membership. Or, you can simply make a contribution.


Paid for by the Libertarian National Committee
2600 Virginia Ave, N.W. Suite 200, Washington D.C. 20037
Content not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

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