The Libertarian Party is the third largest and fastest growing political party in the U.S. The Libertarian party is dedicated to strictly limited government, a pure free market economy, private property rights, civil liberties, personal freedoms with personal responsibilities, and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace, and free trade. Libertarians of South Central Kansas (LSOCK) are an affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Kansas ( We meet every Tuesday night (except holidays) from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at Cathy's Westway Cafe located at 1215 W. Pawnee (just west of Seneca Street) in Wichita, Kansas. All who support personal responsibility and individual liberty are invited to attend!
LPKS/LSOCK P.O. Box 2456 Wichita, Kansas 67201

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

LSOCK NEWS, January 27,  2014

Libertarians Of South Central Kansas (LSOCK) meet for Supper and discussion every Tuesday at Cathy’s Westway Cafe located at 1215 W. Pawnee in Wichita, Kansas at 5:30 PM. If we have official business to conduct or a featured guest speaker, that will begin at 6:00 PM. All who support personal responsibility and individual liberty are invited to attend.

To receive the LSOCK NEWS and LSOCK NEWS Alerts! via email please contact Steven Rosile at or 316 618-1339.

Contact the Libertarian Party of Kansas or LSOCK at:

P.O. Box 2456
Wichita, Kansas 67201

Ph. (800) 335-1776

On the Web please go to  or to the LSOCK Blog at:

Also see: Sedgwick County Libertarians on Facebook. Their meeting time and location are the first Saturday of every month at Meads Corner Coffee Shop at 1:30 PM.

Meads Corner Coffee Shop is located at the northwest corner of Douglas and Emporia in downtown Wichita.



  1. From The Editor
  2. LSOCK 2014 Officer Elections
  3. New Podcast Time For Libertarians On Jiggy Jaguar Show
  4. LPKS Annual Meeting/Nominating Convention in Wichita April 26th 

1.   From The Editor

What an exciting year for Kansas Libertarians! This year we expect to achieve major party status by getting 5% (and more) of the vote in the Governor’s race.

We feel this is our time due to the fact that the LPKS has gotten a lot of attention in the press the past few years for our efforts on many issues, such as supporting second amendment rights, encouraging the growth of private schools, abolishing the death penalty in Kansas, and protecting citizens from eminent domain abuses.

Our officers and members have gone to legislative committee hearings to give testimony on these and many other issues. They have gotten to know their Senators and Representatives and reached out and found support for our positions in the legislature, gaining respect for themselves and the LPKS in the process.

It is also due to having two announced candidates for Governor, Tresa McAlheney and Keen Umbehr, early in the election cycle. The Kansas City Star had a great article about these candidates and the LPKS recently that was reprinted in the Wichita Eagle and many other newspapers around the state.

Other reasons for our expectations are that Governor Sam Brownback’s tactics and policies have alienated a large number of Kansans who object to his hardball management style. Also, the LPKS is now the only third party on the ballot in Kansas, and the fact that in Kansas, as well as nationally, the two major parties are showing themselves incapable of governing.

Recent events such as IRS abuses, NSA spying on Americans, the health care debacle, never ending war, debt limit increases to pay for deficit spending, government shutdowns, etc., are leading the voters of this state and nation to more seriously consider the LP, our philosophy and policies and our candidates as a viable alternative to the status quo.

This will be our year if we rise to the challenge. We need donors, activists, candidates and campaign workers now more than ever as we head into the November elections.

I ask you for your support. Make a contribution to the party or a candidate. Attend your local LP activist group meetings. Talk up our party and candidates to your friends and family.

Go to to find out more about the party and make a contribution soon. Plan to attend the State Convention in April and help in our effort to become a major political party in Kansas this year!

For Liberty,

Steven A. Rosile

2.       LSOCK 2014 Officer Elections

It is nearly time for LSOCK’s annual elections for its officers. The Election will be held at the LSOCK Supper Meeting Tuesday, February 11th. If there is no quorum that day then the election will be held on Tuesday, February 25th. If you are interested in running for Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer or either of the two At-Large officer positions please contact current Vice Chair Steven Rosile by replying to this email or calling me at 316-618-1339.

Current officers are:

          Chair;                Gordon Bakken

          Vice Chair;        Steven A. Rosile

          Secretary,         Stephanie Sommers

          Treasurer,         Shawn Smith

          1st At-Large,     Drew Holland

          2nd At-Large,    Jeremy White

3.       New Podcast Time For Libertarians On Jiggy Jaguar Show

The Libertarian segments of James Lowe’s popular internet podcast, the Jiggy Jaguar Show (at have been rescheduled to Sunday afternoons between 2:30 and 3:00 PM. (time approximate)

The show will now feature video on some podcasts in addition to audio and will have access to archives of previous shows available as well, so you can track specific guests or topics.

The upcoming libertarian guest schedule is:
Jan 19th         Al Terwelp                State convention announcements
Jan 26th            Chris Clemmons       U.S. District 2 Congressional campaign
Feb 2nd          Jeff Caldwell            State Representative Race
Feb 9th           Keen Umbehr          Platform/Campaign Issue
Feb 16th            Tresa McAlheney     Platform/Campaign Issue
Feb 23rd            Steve Rosile             Constitutional Money

4.    LPKS Annual Meeting/Nominating Convention in Wichita April 26th
The 2014 Libertarian Party of Kansas Annual Meeting and Nominating Convention will be held in Wichita, Kansas, Saturday, April 26th, at the I-35 East Holiday Inn, located at 549 South Rock Road (sw corner of Kellogg and Rock Rd).
There is no charge or fee required to attend and participate in the business meeting which will be in the Southern Ballroom, located just off of the lobby, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
There will be a lunch break from 12 noon to 1:00 PM. Box lunches will be available for $20 paid in advance but there are multiple dining options available on site and there are two large malls just across the street(s) from the hotel with many dining, shopping and recreational possibilities that do not even require you to get in an automobile.
There will be a banquet Saturday evening where former New Mexico Governor and 2012 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate Gary Johnson will be the featured speaker. The cost to attend the banquet buffet dinner will be $50. There will be seats available after the meal for those that do not attend the banquet but wish to hear Johnson speak. Seats may be limited and there will be a minimum donation of $10 required.
There will also be a mixer to meet Governor Johnson the Friday evening before the Convention as well as other opportunities to hike with and/or have lunch with Gary on the Saturday of the Convention. There also will be seating available at Governor Johnson’s table at the banquet. These opportunities to spend time with Gary will have additional charges which will go to Johnson’s organization, Our America Initiative, and the LPKS. Details will be available soon on website.
Other major items of business will include nomination of candidates for public office, adoption of a Platform and selection of delegates to the 2014 National Libertarian Party Convention in Columbus, Ohio, June 26-29th.
If you are interested in seeking nomination to run for a partisan public office at the federal (US Senate, US House), state (Governor/Lt Governor, Treasurer, Secretary Of State, Attorney General, Insurance Commissioner) or county (Commissioner) level please contact LPKS Vice Chair Rob Hodgkinson at .                 

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