The Libertarian Party is the third largest and fastest growing political party in the U.S. The Libertarian party is dedicated to strictly limited government, a pure free market economy, private property rights, civil liberties, personal freedoms with personal responsibilities, and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace, and free trade. Libertarians of South Central Kansas (LSOCK) are an affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Kansas ( We meet every Tuesday night (except holidays) from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at Cathy's Westway Cafe located at 1215 W. Pawnee (just west of Seneca Street) in Wichita, Kansas. All who support personal responsibility and individual liberty are invited to attend!
LPKS/LSOCK P.O. Box 2456 Wichita, Kansas 67201

Friday, March 16, 2012

Good Deals For The National Convention!

Message to You from David Bergland, 1984 Libertarian Presidential Candidate, Author, Libertarianism in One Lesson

Dear Fellow Libertarian,
I want to meet you. At this Libertarian National Convention Homecoming and Reunion May 2 to 6.
You are the main reason I'm coming to this Libertarian National Convention.
I want to listen to you. To hear what you think and feel about liberty and the Libertarian Party.
I have some questions that only you can answer.
What do you want for the Libertarian Party this year?
How do you feel about the LP right now?
Is it doing what you hoped it would when you joined?
Is it doing what you think it ought to?
Is it moving in the right direction - or is it off course?
What is the Libertarian Party doing right? What's it doing wrong?
If you could change anything that the Libertarian Party is saying or
doing, what would you change?
Will you please meet me at the Libertarian National Convention?
There's less than 7 weeks until it begins.
Will you take just 6 minutes to read your Invitation below - to see exactly what
the Convention is offering you? To see what your choices are?
Will you please come?
Yours for Liberty,
David Bergland

You Are Cordially Invited to Attend

40th Anniversary Libertarian National Convention
Homecoming and Reunion for Libertarians        
May 2-6      Red Rock Resort   Las Vegas, NV

BREAKING NEWS: Only 56 Gold Convention Packages are left at this
huge value/huge savings price.  When these sell out, the price will goup.

+ Look at these Confirmed Speakers, Panelists, and Presenters:

Tonie Nathan, 1972 Libertarian Vice-Presidential Candidate
AND the first woman to ever receive an Electoral Vote

Alexander McCobin,  Executive Director, Students for

Ed Clark, 1980 Libertarian Presidential Candidate.
Highest LP Presidential Vote Total Ever: 921,128 votes.

David Bergland, 1984 Libertarian Presidential Candidate, author Libertarianism in One Lesson

Dr. Nancy Lord, 1992 Libertarian Vice-Presidential

Carla Howell, 2000 Massachusetts Libertarian U.S. Senate Candidate Against Teddy Kennedy. 308,860 votes.

Robert Poole, co-founder REASON.

Manny Klausner, co-founder REASON.

Alicia Garcia Clark, National Libertarian Leader and Chair

Michael Cloud, Harry Browne Presidential Campaign Organizer, author Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion.

Sharon Harris, President, Advocates for Self-Government.

Judge James Gray, Libertarian, CA

Judge John Buttrick, Libertarian, AZ

Norma Jean Almodovar, LP Lt. Governor Candidate CA, author, From Cop to Call Girl, featured on '60 Minutes.'

Elected Libertarians Panel, with names to be announced.

PLUS Friends of Libertarian Heroes Who Have Passed Away Will Share Stories About: David F. Nolan, founder, Libertarian Party. Dr. John Hospers, first Libertarian Presidential Candidate. Harry Browne, Unforgettable 2-Time Libertarian Presidential Candidate. Dr. Murray Rothbard, Austrian Economist. Marshall Fritz, founder, Advocates for Self-Government.

PLUS Surprise Libertarian Luminaries.

+This May be Your First, Last, or Only Chance to Meet These Fascinating Libertarians who created and shaped
and developed the Libertarian Party during our first 40 years.

+Every Libertarian Party Member is Invited

+Libertarian Party Members are coming from all 50 states

+Key LP Movers and Shakers of the Last 40 Years Are
Coming to this Gala Event

PLUS, you'll get to meet and talk with the 2012 Libertarian Presidential
Candidates - and, if you choose to be a delegate, you will help select our 2012 Libertarian Presidential Nominee.

You'll Get to Meet and Talk with Libertarian Party Leaders of the last 40 Years -
and, if you're a delegate, help choose our new LP leaders.

PLUS, candidate trainings, activists training, state party leader training.

PLUS, there will be bunches of receptions and parties.
Some quiet and friendly. Others noisy and fun. There will
be widespread, unregulated fun - and spontaneous laughter.

All for You.
This Convention is a Celebration of You. Of Your Libertarian Principles and Memories and Dreams. Of the Past, Present, and Future of Your Liberty - and Ours.
You'll remember this 40th Anniversary Libertarian National Convention for the
rest of your life.
Because of who you are and what you have done to support liberty and the Libertarian Party, we are giving you a choice of 4 different Convention Packages:
Gold, Silver, Bronze, or TANSTAAFL - each with a rock bottom price. 

Look over all 4 choices. Which do you want? Which fits your situation and budget?

Gold Package

•    Presidential Banquet & Reception
•    Saturday Lunch & Speaker
•    Saturday Wake-up Speaker
•    Gold VIP Post-Debate Presidential Candidate Reception Friday
•    Friday Lunch & Speaker
•    Friday Wake-up Speaker
•    David F. Nolan Reception Wednesday
•    All  Breakout Speakers


These Special Bonuses for Gold Package Buyers

•    Express, First Class Gold Convention Check-In
•    Premium Front Rows Seating at the Presidential Debate
•    Express, First Class Entrance to the Presidential Banquet
•    Reserved Tables at the Presidential Banquet – & more spacious seating
•    Wine at Banquet
•    One or two Libertarian VIP’s Hosting each Banquet table
•    AND Two Surprise Gifts – one will be shipped to you this week
Base Gold Package Value: $595
Special Bonuses Value: $195
Total Value: $790

Your Price: $445 ($345 Savings / 44% Discount)
Because of Your Support for the Libertarian Party,
Because this is the 40th Anniversary of the Libertarian Party,

We are offering You this $790 Value for Only $445 / a 44% Savings Libertarians are snapping this up. As March 15th: Only 56 Gold Packages left at this 44% Discount. Please get yours now.

$445 Gold Package

Silver Package

•    Presidential Banquet & Reception
•    Saturday Lunch & Speaker
•    Saturday Wake-up Speaker
•    Friday Lunch  & Speaker
•    Friday Wake-up Speaker
•    David F. Nolan Reception Wednesday
•    All  Breakout Speakers
Silver Package Price at Door: $495
Your Price: Only $395 ($120 Savings / 24% Discount)
Only 69 Silver Packages Left at this 24% Discount. Act now.

Bronze Package

•    Presidential Banquet & Reception
•    David F. Nolan Reception Wednesday
•    All Breakout Sessions (NO Wake-up or Lunch Speakers)
Bronze Package Price at Door: $395
Your Price: Only $295 ($100 Savings / 25% Discount)
Only 67 Bronze Packages Left at this 22% Discount. Buy now


"TANSTAAFL" is the minimum required payment for Delegates and Alternates
to enter the Convention to participate in Libertarian Party business, and in Libertarian Delegate meetings and activities.

"TANSTAAFL" is longtime libertarian acronym, which
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"

Some Libertarian Delegates want to attend only business sessions. They
should NOT be required to buy more expensive Convention Packages just to
be a Delegate at the Libertarian National Convention.

TANSTAAFL Package allows these to pay only the cost of what they choose.

Each attendee must pay his share of the basic costs of putting on this
Libertarian National Convention. The costs of the meeting rooms, the tables
and chairs, audio-visual systems, LP support staff, Parliamentarian, printing
and shipping materials, and so forth for several days of Libertarian Party
National business.

These costs are included in the Gold, Silver, Bronze, and TANSTAAFL
Convention Packages.

Paying Delegates and Attendees will NOT be forced to pay the Convention
costs of 'Free Riders.'

TanstaafC: "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Convention"

$94 TANSTAAFL package

Don't Miss Out. Act Now.

You Can Buy Your Gold, Silver, Bronze, or TANSTAAFL Package with Credit Card or Debit Card. 

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